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It was around nightfall when I came up with an idea on what to do with the cult. Corey and I have been talking about it all day. We came up with the idea of poisoning them. First, get them to trust us, then, when they least expect it, poison their food and drinks. Then, with weapons, we can take on the rest. I was not going to share these woods with these people. First thing in the morning, Corey and I were going to go out back to their hideout. I knew Ezio trusted me, so Corey should be able to bring in poison without him knowing. He can easily slip away into the kitchen. Weapons shouldn't be an issue because they had plenty of them. Corey told me in private yesterday that he discovered a large stash of drugs and poison in the basement. That unexpected finding will help us a lot in dealing with these people.

The next morning, Corey and I were already up and walking through the forest, following the blue ribbons back to the strange door. It was quite the walk, as we got lost a bunch of times before we actually found it.

"So how do we even open it."

"I don't know. Try pushing on it, Corey."

Before his hands could touch it, the door opened, revealing Ezio standing there.

"What brings you two here?"

I had to make it sound like I was actually interested in wanting to help him so Corey could sneak off.

"I want to talk with you about some stuff. If that's okay and everything."

"Sure, but he stays put."


"Would he like to ask questions?"

"I'm assuming."

"You may come in, Corey."

"Thank you, sir."

"You can call me Ezio."

I walked inside with Corey behind me as the door closed behind us. Once this was over, we could finally live in peace for once. Who even knew we were going to walk into this cult mess. This was just another dilemma we had to worry about.

"So what do you want to talk about?"

"I wanted to learn more about you people."

"Well, as I previously stated, my sister and I built this place over the course of ten years. When we first found this land, people already owned it. We killed them and built this. Then we recruited people, and this was how our cult was founded."

As he talked, he led me through the cave. I noticed Corey wasn't behind us anymore. I need to keep him distracted from asking about Corey. He probably snuck off to do his job.

"Well, how did you recruit all these people."

We're in a section of the cave I haven't been to yet. For being underground, this place was nicely decorated. Ezio led me to this huge library with books upon hundreds of bookcases.

"This is our library. Amazing. Isn't it."

"Yes. It's extonishing."

"We try to keep this whole place decorated nicely."

"How do you..."

"It doesn't matter how I got all these people. Let's go there; there's something else I'd like to show you."


"Wait. Where's the boy?"

"You mean Corey?"

"Yes, where is he?"

"I don't know. He must have got lost."

Ezio looked quite panicked. He rushed past me as he left the library. I follow him.

Michael Myers x  Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now