The Hunt

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Driving down the road, Allyson stuck her head out the window, shouting at the people that were outside.

"Go inside. It's not safe to be out. "

The lady outside just stared at her, holding her mug. Loonie kept driving down the street.

"Hey Lonnie, stop the car."

"Why? Did you see Michael?"

"No, just stop the car. I want out."

"Y/n, Why do you want out? Michael could get you. It's not safe."

"Allyson, I'll be fine. I just need to do something. "

Loonie stopped the car, and I got out.

"You be safe now, Y/n."

He sped off, leaving me on the side of the street. I had a feeling that Michael would run into the other group first. They were scouting the streets close to my house, so I just had a feeling he would be there. It was like a ghost town out here. There were no adults out trick or treating with their children. Not one single soul could be seen. Finally reaching the street of Spring Creek, I see a car driving to turn in. It was the car I was looking for. I jumped in front of it, making them put their breaks on. A lady shouted at me from inside.

"What the hell are you doing out here? You could have just got yourself killed!"

The two women in the front started chatting with each other. Then the older-looking one in the passenger seat spoke.

"Hey, you look familiar. I just saw you with Tommy and Lonnie. My name is Marion. The one beside me is Lindsey. Why don't you come hop in."

I walked over and opened the door to get in the back. The same two from earlier were in.

"Move your ass, Marcus, so she can get in."

Marcus moved over to the middle, and I got in.

"Chill your ass, Vanessa."

"Thank you for letting me come with you guys."

Marion turned to look at me from the front seat.

"No problem, sweetie."

"Guess you haven't found Michael yet either. We were warning people, and I got separated from them."

"What's going on over there?" Vanessa questioned

I tried to get a good look at what she was talking about. Nothing was going on, though. It was just two kids on the playground swinging. Lindsey pulled up on the side of the street. Marion had a flashlight shining out the window.

"Give me the flashlight, Marion."

"Why Lindsey?"

"Because I'm going to go out there and tell them to go home."

Lindsey riped the light out of her hand.

"Lindsey, I wouldn't go---"

Vanessa got cut off as Lindsey got out, slamming the door.

I watched as she walked over to the kids. Maybe Michael was watching us right now, and he was going to kill everyone in this car except me. I wished. That would make my job a lot easier, having fewer people to deal with.

"I've never fired a gun before."

"Alright, so I don't even know why they gave you a gun. Can you handle it? Give me."

Vanessa took the gun from Marcus, bickering. Those two were the perfect pair. I was starting to fall asleep when I heard Marion start screaming. All of a sudden, something climbs onto the back of the car, getting onto the roof. Markus starts freaking out.

Michael Myers x  Female ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя