Time Together Again

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When I opened my eyes, I was in the same position as the night before. I couldn't really tell if it was the next morning or not because there was no light source. But I was just assuming it was. Looking up, Michael was still wearing his mask. Couldn't tell if he was asleep or not. Lifting myself off of him, I plant my feet on the ground and stand up. Once I'm up, I stretch my arms and start to look around for a coat. It was quite chilly. This was my chance to stay with Michael. I could stay here with him and live. Laurie would send the police out to search for me, so maybe Michael and I couldn't live happily ever after until Laurie was finally dealt with once and for all. I had a feeling, she wasn't going to live much longer. Michael might be laying low now, but his true self will come out eventually, and I'd be there with him the whole way too. After losing Michael for so long, I wouldn't be able to do it again. I just couldn't. Bending down, I grabbed a jacket that looked about my size and put it on. That kept me somewhat warmer. Looking back at Michael, he was still sound asleep.

I make my way out of the room and go back to the sewer entrance. It would do me some good to get some fresh air. Stepping out of the tunnel, I lean against the front of it and take a deep breath of fresh air. The sun wasn't fully up yet, and there was a thin fog rolling past me. I wonder if Corey was worried about me or not. If he was, he would have come back. I don't really think he was as scared as he looked. The dead body was still lying there, where Corey killed him. I'm surprised no one came by last night. That's actually a good thing. Guess I'd better be the one to get rid of it. Walking over to the body, I grab his foot and slowly drag his body into the tunnel to the main area. It took a while because he was so heavy. Once I got his body inside, I dragged him to the corner and put him to the side, and I was done with it. Michael could handle the rest because, after all, he was the expert. Maybe I should learn a thing or two from him. Going back outside, I stick my hands into my pockets and take a little walk around behind in the woods where none of the passing cars could spot me. Some blood got on me from his clothes when I dragged him. How did Michael even do it? It was such hard work.

Stepping through the thick grass and pushing my way through dense trees, I stopped when I heard a branch break. Looking at where the sound came from, there was nobody there. It was too quiet. There were no birds singing and no wildlife in the area. There was definitely someone watching me. And it wasn't Michael, because I would have heard him or seen him following me before I got this far. Deciding to just let it go, I continue my walk. No more than 10 seconds of walking later, I felt myself being pushed against a tree. On inpact I turned to see who was attacking me. It was a guy in I say about in his mid-40s, with scraggly dark hair and piercing green eyes.

"What do you want from me?"

"Oh baby, you know what I want."

I felt the tip of his tongue on my ear, and I shivered at the thought of it.

"Why don't you go bother someone else."

"Bother someone else? Why would I do that when I got someone right here."

"Please just leave me alone."

"Can't do that, sweetheart."

The man goes and tries to take my pants down, but I stop him.

"Wait. Stop!"

"Quit it or I'll kill you, stupid bitch."

He pulls a gun and presses it to my head.

"Just listen to me."

"What, you want it rough, huh?"

"No, I mean, I have somewhere else we can do it if that's what you want. Somewhere more suitable than in the midst of the woods."

Michael Myers x  Female Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें