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Walking through the woods at night surely had its scary moments. But with Michael by my side, there was no reason to be afraid. He stayed very close to me. We were basically brushing against one another as we walked. Corey stayed further behind, letting me and Michael be together. I guess that was somewhat nice of him for doing that. Once this was all over, would Corey stay with us or leave and be on his own? For now, I didn't know, but it was up to him. I wouldn't force him to stay with us if he didn't want to. If he could have the chance to start over again by himself, that is completely understandable.

Walking through the forest was the fastest shortcut we could take without being on the main road. We are so close now. We were about to arrive at the house. Looking behind me, I half expected to see Corey behind us, but he wasn't.

"Michael stop. Corey's gone."

There were no sounds at all except for the heavy breathing coming from Michael and the wistling of the wind. This was starting to weird me out. It was really dark, so it was hard to see anything around us. Plus, he was wearing a black jacket. He better not be pulling anything. I will murder him. How could he disappear into thin air like this? Michael was not having it either and was pissed off.


Nothing. No answer at all. Taking a deep breath, I reach my hand out to stop Michael from walking.

"I think we should go back to look for... Ahhhh!"

Corey jumped out from behind the closet tree and ran to me screaming. It startled me so badly that I yelled out. Michael didn't move an inch at all when he did that. Damn. Nothing ever scared that man.

"I got you good, Y/n."

"Yeah, I'll admit it. You did. Nice one. Let's keep going."

Corey pulled his mask off and followed beside us. I was holding mine until we got there. Once I saw the house, I made everyone stop.

"So Michael I want you to be inside the house in case Corey and I get locked out. We are going to go to the pool and wait for one of them to come out."

The house was huge. It was one of those rich doctor type of houses. The middle is where the pool is. The layout was quite nice. You could go outside to the pool from the bedroom, and the walls of the house surrounded it. Michael stalked off on his own, leaving Corey and I standing there.

"Does he know what he's doing?"

"Yes, just let him go, Corey. Follow me."

I go the opposite way Michael went. There were only three rooms where you could get into the pool. The master bedroom, the guest bedroom, and through the kitchen. The house also had two different entrances. One in the front and one in the back. I was going to take us to the back. I made sure Corey was quiet as I walked behind the house. There was no way we could afford to mess up now. Reaching the back patio, I step up the stairs to the back door and jiggle the doorknob. Of course, it was locked. Reaching into my hair, I pull out a bobby pin. I use that to unlock the lock skillfully.

"Where did you learn to do that?"

"Laurie taught me. We need to be very quiet now. Follow my lead."

Bringing my hand up to my face, I put on my mask. Corey does the same and follows behind me inside. Using my foot to push the door closed, I take a left, going down the small hall to the guest room. Michael was most likely inside by now. I wonder where he was hiding. Opening the door to the guest room, I made my way over to the window. It took up the whole side of the wall and had a double door. Peeking through, I looked across to the other room and saw Deb standing at the bed, holding a piece of paper. She opened the box, pulling out a bathrobe, laughing. In the corner of my eye, I saw Dr. Mathis come out from the kitchen holding a tray. He put it down on the table beside the fireplace. When I looked to check on Deb, she had already left.

"Now's our chance."

Looking at the bed, I saw a plastic bag. I quickly grabbed it and opened the sliding doors. Running over to Dr. Mathis, he yelled before I could slip the bag over his head, possibly alerting Deb. As I put it over, Corey tackles him beside the pool. He tightens the bag around his neck and pulls out his knife. He stabs him in the neck repeatedly. Blood gushed out everywhere.

"Dr. Mathis?"

Looking through the shadows, I see Deb standing a few feet away from us. We were covered by the darkness, allowing her to not see us. She looks around for a moment before approaching the switch and flipping it to turn on the lights. For a second, she turns her head, staring intently at Corey stabbing Dr. Mathis. After a few seconds, her brain finally processed what was happening, and she started screaming her head off. Corey snapped his head up. As Deb began to run back inside, Corey pushed the body off of him and went after Deb. I ran after her too. Reaching for the door before she could close it ended up with me getting my hand smashed. I pulled my hand out quickly before it could cause any real damage. Corey starts banging at the door, clearly pissed off at her. Michael was still gone. There was no sign of him. I trusted him, though. He was probably in there ready to kill her before she could call anyone. We lost sight of Deb as she ran off. A second later, she peeks from behind a wall, holding a phone to her ear. At this point, Corey has stopped banging on the wall to stop and stare at her.

What happened next thrilled me to my core. Michael came out pushing Deb across the room, smashing her against the wall. He held her up, moving her slowly up the wall by her throat. I take my mask off, watching the sight before me. Deb kicked her legs, struggling to break free. The thing is, she was already dead.

"Corey, what are you doing?"

He was unwrapping the bandage from the cut on his hand.

"I don't need it."

Looking back through the window to Michael, he turned his head towards us then back to Deb, raising his knife in his other hand. She stopped screaming and struggling after one stab through the chest. Watching Corey, I knew he was enjoying this. I could see the evil look in his eyes. He placed his hand on the window, staring intently at Michael. Once Deb finally stopped moving, Michael stepped back and looked at her hanging from the wall on his knife. How did that knife even support her body?

"Michael, unlock the door!"

He turned around to face us and slowly stalked to the door, unlocking it. Once it was unlocked, I opened it and hugged him tightly. I just knew he was going to help us. We all worked very well together. They should be fine here. It doesn't matter if the cops find out about this or not. No one would know we were here. I kept an eye out for cameras, and I haven't seen any. What tired me out was remembering that Corey wanted to take me somewhere else tonight. He walked off, leaving Michael and me alone. I went over to Deb and removed the knife, watching her body fall with a thud. I handed Michael his knife, and he took it from me.

"I just really want to stay with you tonight. But, something big is coming soon, so I just need to take some time and think."

Corey comes out of the bathroom.

"Let's go Y/n. Before it gets too late."

"Okay, bye, Michael. Make it back safely."

I followed Corey back out of the house the way we came in. We'd be way much faster than Michael, so maybe that's why we are leaving him behind. It seemed like Corey was in a hurry anyway. It wasn't that long until we got back. Corey practically made me run the whole way with him. Saying that they would close if it got too late. I hopped on the back of the bike, holding onto Corey's waist. He drove away from the sewers into the night, taking us to his secret place.

Michael Myers x  Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now