Gift For A Friend

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My adrenaline kicked in upon waking up to the sound of my alarm clock. I pulled myself out of bed and slammed down on the alarm to get it to stop making noise. That definitely had to wake Laurie up. I dragged my feet across the cold hardwood floor, then made my way into the bathroom and took a shower. Once I was done, I dried off and put my clothes on. Lastly, my hair had to be dealt with. Grabbing a brush, I took all the knots out and decided to keep it down for today. Putting my brush down, a loud beeping noise filled the house.


I ran out of my room and quickly rushed down the stairs to see what Laurie did this time. Laurie yelled from upstairs in the room she was in.

"Darn it!"

There was smoke coming from the kitchen. Laurie was behind me going down the steps with me.

"What did you do?"

"I think it's my pie. I put a pie in the oven!"

I went into the side room and grabbed the fire extinguisher. As I looked out, Laurie already had the oven door open, grabbing the pie.

"Why didn't you just buy one from the store?"

Putting the fire extinguisher back, I decided to grab the broom instead. Exiting the room, I whack the fire alarm until it stops.

"No, I wanted to bake you a pumpkin pie. It's a Halloween tradition. "

By now the smoke was clearing up and Laurie had the pie in the sink. She turned around, sighing, and looked at me.

"Are you--"

"Yes, I'm going to Corey's work. I'll be home later."

"Do you have your costume for the party?"

"I told you, I don't want to go alone."

I picked up my car keys off the counter.

"So, I'm not going."


Before I opened the door to the outside, Laurie stopped me.

"Why, don't you take Corey?"

"Ha, like he'd want to go, but I'll try."

I only been to Corey's work once. It was because he was over at our house and he was late, so he asked me for a ride instead of having to use his slow bike. His boss was a nice guy, but could get grouchy when he wasn't on time. Corey worked at a car place where he would weld. I thought it was dangerous, but he didn't think so. He's never been the party type of person, but if I asked him, I think he would say yes. Parties weren't my thing either, but it's good to get out of the house every once in a while.

"Bye Laurie."

"See you later, hun."

She gave me a smile and then looked down at her ruined pie. I opened the door, slammed it shut, and got into my car. It wouldn't take long to get there. It was pretty close. Once I arrived at Correy's work, I pulled over on the side of the street. Turning my car off, I get out, and walk towards the building called "Revo Auto". I saw Ronald, Corey's boss on the phone, standing beside some guy welding a car.

"I'm pretty sure that was in the change order."

Once he spotted me, he told the person on the other end to stop talking.

"Hold on a second, Shannon."

I walked closer to him.

"What brings you here, Y/n?"

Michael Myers x  Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now