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The night when Corey and I went to kill Deb and Dr. Mathis, I placed Corey's mask back in Michael's room before we left. While I'm possibly fighting him over the mask, Corey can go grab his. After some time, we finally arrive at the sewers. Corey literally sped the whole way there. Maybe it was the thrill of the kill that drove him. Pulling up to the entrance, I told him what to do.

"So we are going to be very fast, okay. I gonna go get Michael's mask. You can go get yours from his room."

"Sure, let's go."

Hopping off the bike, I enter the sewer and see Michael standing in the main section. He wasn't doing anything but standing there.

"Corey, go."

He runs off to the room, leaving Michael and I standing there by ourselves.

"Are you going to make this easy or hard for me? Because either way, I will get that mask off you."

Michael slowly brings his head up as I charge him, ready to battle him. Bringing my hands up, I push him backwards, but he easily grabs a hold of me and throws me down. When he comes straight at me, I push myself backward, trying to get up. Was he really going to kill me for trying to take his mask off? That's pretty messed up. He didn't have a problem with it before. But, I guess it has been awhile. Maybe he didn't want me to see what he looked like. Standing back up, he grabs me, and my feet slide to the left as he pushes me again, and I slide on to my knees. Using all of my strength, I struggle to get back up. I pushed him back, trying to reach his mask, but he just as easily slid me back again. Spinning him around, I trip, almost falling on my face. Regaining my posture, I go at it again using my last bit of power, I tackle him using all my weight, making him fall to the ground on his back. He grunts as he lands on the hard, cold ground. Rolling on top of him, I pull his mask off, taking a quick look at his face before I get out of here.

Michael didn't even resemble the man he was four years ago. His age got to him, but that didn't change my feelings for him.

"Y/n! I got the mask."

"Okay, come on."

Lifting my body off Michael, I hurriedly crawled out of the tunnel with Corey trailing behind me. He'd forgive me. I know he would. Corey got on his motorcycle while I opened up the back of it, placing the mask inside. I get on behind him as he takes off down the street.

"Go to the one-stop shop. I have a feeling they are going to be there. Since it's there, we ran into them last time."

"Got it."

We got there in no time, pulling into the parking lot. And I was right. There was a car a little ways to the left of the ice cooler.

"Corey, park facing the street. But keep it turned on."

He turns around his bike near the car, and I get off. Taking my knife out of my pocket, I carve "Psycho" into the hood of the car. Once I do that, I go back to the motorcycle and get on.

"Now, all we do is wait for them to come out."

"Let them follow us to the garage shop. No one is going to be there considering it's night now."

"Okay, just don't let them get too close to us. We need time to hide once we get there."

Looking at the store's entrance, I saw the door open and the bullies walking out. They were laughing and carrying on until they saw their car. That's when they all jumped in, ready to come after us. Corey pulled out, racing down the street, making sure they knew where we were. Once we got to the garage shop, he put his bike where it could obviously be seen. I put Michael's mask on, and Corey put his on. Hearing a car made my ass get into action. I signaled for Corey to come with me to hide behind a car. The whole place got flooded by car lights as it pulled in, slowly moving down the path. Idle chatter could be heard, which was definitely about us. They parked their car in a spot close to us.

Michael Myers x  Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now