Broken Hearts

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The cold air nipped at my skin as Corey walked beside me down the street. He was wearing his sweater while I was still in my costume. After a couple of minutes of walking in complete silence, I decided to say something.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I'm sorry for the way I acted."

"That's nothing to be sorry for."

"It was so wrong of me to say those things."

Getting a closer look at Corey, I noticed he was crying. Using my hands, I wipe away his tears, and he leans closer to me. It all happened so fast as I saw him lean in closer to my face. Before anything could happen, a car drove by and shouted out.


It was the bullies again. How great was that? The car parked beside us, and they all got out. Billy was the closest to us.

"Hey, cool kids. What's up?"

Billie comes over to us.

"Where are you guys going?"

Then Terry comes over with his arms up, getting into our faces.

"There you both are; I've been looking for you."

The girl in the back tries to get Terry's attention. But he does not listen. Instead, he shoves me back a bit.

"I want to apologize, okay? So what do you say Y/n? huh? How about this? Handshakes and friendships?"

"Leave her alone, Terry!"

"Trying to act like a tough guy, huh, Corey?"

Terry kept his hand out, waiting for me to shake it, but I refused.

"Don't leave him hanging, girl." Said Billy.

Ignoring him, I walk past, and he shoves me to the ground.

The girl comes closer, thinking she will be able to stop her friends.

"What is your problem with these kids?"

"That's enough, get away from Y/n." Said Corey.

They ignored him, and Terry kicked me in my stomach. That's when Corey tried to tackle him and ended up on the ground beside me. His glasses got knocked off his face due to the impact, and Billy put his foot on top of them.

"Dollar store designer frames?"

With that, Billy crushed Corey's glasses under his foot.

"Hey, let me help you up. Come on."

Billy lifted Corey up and pushed him against the car. I stood up, and Terry grabbed me. The girl who was not trying to get into the fight asked Corey if he was okay. All of a sudden, Corey pulls out a knife.

"Woah. Woah!" Said Terry.

"Get the fuck back! Let Y/n go!"

Terry lets go of me, and I go over to Corey as he continues to make the group back up from us, threatening them with the knife. Billy approached Corey, clearly not afraid of death.

"You gonna murder us? The same way you killed that kid?"

Billy effortlessly smacks the knife out of Corey's hand.

"You little phyco bitch." said Terry.

Corey pushes Billy back and screams in his face.

"You don't know what you're talking about!"

Then he goes over to Terry.

"You just act like a goddamn asshole because your father treats you like one. It's contagious, right?"

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