The Evil Within

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Once Corey and I were finished eating, we got up and paid for our food. Walking towards the exit, James grabbed my wrist.

"Let go of me."

"Come on. What did I do wrong?"

"Stop it. There was never anything between us!"

I pulled my hand out of his tight grip. Corey was already outside. I'm glad he hasn't seen that, because he would have flipped out on him. Maybe even leading to a fist fight. Walking outside, I get on the motorcycle behind him. He starts it up and pulls out of the parking lot. The cold night air chilled me to my core. No matter how warm I dressed, I was always slightly cold. Reaching the end of the parking lot, he made a left, leaving the restaurant. Given how late it had become, there were few cars on the road. Looking through the rearview mirror, I see that a car is following us, which is very noticeable. That was James' car. I knew he was going to do this. I tighten my grip on Corey's waist and lean my head toward his.

"Look in the sideview mirror."


"Just do it?"

"What? It's just a car."

"Not any car. It's James's car. He is following us."

"Shit. What do we do?"

"Same plan. Go to the sewers. I want you to park about 10 feet from the entrance."

"Are we going to kill him?"

"No. Michael will be doing the honor."


"Pay attention to the plan, Corey."

"Yes, Y/n."

"You can have fun with him once you capture him, just don't hurt him enough to kill him."

Coming upon the bridge, Corey pulls off the road into the grass, going down the hill towards the sewer. He parks a few feet away from the entrance. Grabbing his hand, I dragged him behind one of the four pillars that held up the bridge. Footsteps could be heads approaching us in a matter of seconds. Corey takes off his jacket, getting ready for the attack. Peeking behind the pillar, I see James checking out Corey's bike. Corey walks away from be going up from behind him. He takes his jacket and puts it over his head. James struggles for his life as he gets knocked over with Corey on top of him. The jacket is now long forgotten as they are both struggling in the dirt, throwing punches at each other. Corey gets off of James and runs into the sewers, leaving him there confused. Before I through he was about to leave. He walked over to the entrance. All that could be heard were Corey's laughs from inside.

"Hey!? You don't want to fuck with me!"

He leans down and crawls into the tunnel. I follow after him, keeping back trying to hide myself in the shadows. Looking into the side tunnels, I didn't see Corey or Michael at all. Once James was in the main section, he took a flashlight out of his pocket and shone it around.

"Where are you? Huh? You say it was an accident. But I know what you did."

He was full of shit. James was not at the incident when it took place. So he wouldn't know anything at all. Crouch walking through the tunnel, I was very close to the squared-off main part now. Looking to my left, I go inside the tunnel and peek out, watching James. All of a sudden, a noise sounding like a rock falling echoed off the walls. James looked in the direction of the noise, clearly terrified. His face said it all. He was one of the few people who deserved to die. His voice echoes off the walls. Michael definitely knew we were here from all the noise these two made.

"I'm going to fuck your face up, you little shit."

I watched as he examined the walls in front of him. Hearing stuggling, I knew that was my sign to come out. Coming out of the side tunnel, I see Michael pushing James against the stone wall. James was trying his hardest to get out of his grip. Corey was standing a few feet away in the corner, standing on a huge rock. James kicked Michael right in the chest, sending him flying backwards. Going up to him, I grab his flashlight out of his hands and hit him hard in the face. Taking his stunned state to my advantage, I hit him again, this time harder but straight on the top of his skull. He fell on impact. James rolled onto his back, clutching his head and grunting from the pain.

"Help. Show me how to do it." Corey told Michael.

Moving away from James, I go over to Michael. He was sitting on the ground, holding out his ruined hand. He was shaking pretty badly.

"Get up, get up, get up. Get up!"

Im surpised Michael was letting Corey yell at him like that. But what concerned me the most was if he got hurt that badly from being kicked. He was older now and definitely not healthy. It pained me to see him like that. Looking at the wall above him, I saw his knife stuck in between the stones of the wall. Reaching above him, I pull it out and kneel down before Michael.

"Corey, go make sure James doesn't get away."


Corey leaves, and I get closer to Michael.

"You can do this."

Giving him a smile I place his knife in his good hand. He clutches onto it.

"Show him how it's done. He's one of us now."

Michael slowly but surely gets up. Looking back over to Corey, I saw that James was standing up and taking swings at Corey. James punched him straight in the face, sending him to the ground. Before he could do any more damage, I took his arms and restrained him from behind. He struggles against me. I wish Michael would hurry up. He was taking his good ole time getting over here. Michael held onto his chest as he got closer enough he took a swing, slashing his neck open. But, not deep enough to kill him instantly. James pushed all his weight onto me, making me fall over with him on top of me. I pull my body up, still holding onto him. Michael leans over us, steadying his knife. Corey is standing beside him, watching every movement Michael makes. In no time, he takes his knife and stabs it straight into James' chest, then pulls it back out. He starts to seize, which is kind of weird. It was like his power or whatever drove him was coming back from just stabbing this guy. Michael stabbed James over and over again, even though he was clearly dead. Pulling his weight off of me, I crawl back and get up. Michael stood at his full height, staring down at the dead body beneath him. Corey's eyes looked pitch black from the view I saw him from.

This was a great day for me. Possibly one of the best I've had since, well, who knows when. Corey made the first move after what seemed like an eternity of standing perfectly still.

"Y/n, can I stay at your house tonight?"


"Can I stay at your house tonight?"

"Oh, yeah. Why?"

"I can't go back home looking like this."

The last time Corey did that, coming home with blood on himself, his parents beat on him like he was nothing. Hopefully, Michael didn't get any ideas. That would be not good at all. We would all need to get together if our trio would work out.

"Michael, I'm guessing you'll take care of the body. Corey and I are going to head out. Will you be okay here by yourself?"

He still clutched at his chest, clearly in pain. I go over to him and take his messed up hand into mine. Michael still had his knife in his good hand.

"Before it gets late, I'll bring you some stuff to help. I promise."

Leaning my head onto him, I sigh and let go. Corey was long gone, probably waiting outside. The strange thing is, I didn't even hear him leave.

"Bye, for now."

Before leaving, I lean up and kiss his mask where his cheek would be. Everything was just going to work out. While Michael was stabbing that guy, I came up with an idea. That would be put to work eventually. Everyone who had ever picked on Corey and me would die at our hands. And when it comes down to the end, there is only one more person that I am going to have my own personal fun with. Who cares if Michael was going to be pissed about it. I wanted Laurie for myself. Her blood was going to be on my hands, and mine alone.

Michael Myers x  Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now