The Plan

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Upon arriving at the hospital, I went inside to ask for Laure Strode.

"Are you family."

"Yes, I'm her cousin, Y/n."

"I'm sorry to inform you this, but she's in the middle of surgery right now. So you're going to have to wait. "

"Okay, thank you."

I was certainly right about this place. It was packed. I took a seat in the waiting area, and waited for my name to be called. Most of the people were wearing costumes. Dressing up for Halloween, was something I never really cared for. The one time I did dress up for Halloween, was for a party at Karen's house. Let's just say that it didn't end well, because of Laurie. Every time we tried to have fun as a family, she had to ruin it. Somehow, Michael always gets brought up, and she starts to flip out. I couldn't really blame her. Some time has passed now. Hearing my name being called, I got up, and went over to the lady at the counter.

"Miss, Laurie is out of surgery now. You may go see her. She is---"


I looked to my right to see Allyson standing there.

"Come with me, Laurie's out of surgery, and my mom is in with her."

I quickly thanked the girl, and followed Allyson through the crowded halls. A guy on a stretcher came by us. It was one of the police officers I saw earlier. Officer Hawkins.

"Allyson? hey, may I speak with you? "I'm going to ask you a few questions."

Looking around, I see a police officer facing Allyson.

"Okay. Y/n. Take a left here. It's the second door down. "

Allyson walked off with the police officer. Staring into a random window, something caught my eye. I teared up, as I read the name on the dead person's toe tag. It read, "Sartain, Ranbir." How the hell is he dead?. Did Michael Kill him? How could I even think, that Michael didn't. I know it was him, that killed Sartain. He did not deserve to die. I wiped the tears from my eyes. That man was a good person. I will never forget him. Maybe Allyson knew about his death. Since the police were out looking for her, maybe Sartain was with one of the officers that found her. I will be sure to question her about it later. As I finished wiping the tears from my eyes, and calmed my breathing, I went to Laurie's room. She was laying there on the bed, probably still knocked out from all the drugs they gave her. I sat down on the chair, that was in front of her bed. Once I was seen with Michael, there was no going back. I would have to stick with him from then on. Perhaps even have to kill. Choices always came with consequences, and there was no going back from this.

I hear the door open, and turn around to see Allyson.

"Hey, Allyson. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah. My mother wants me to stay here. But I don't want to. I'm going to leave with Tommy, and his gang to stop Michael. Did you know he is still alive?"

"He's alive?"

She walked over to me holding a jacket.

"Yes! He survived the burning house, and now he's back out there. I want to help them kill him. Oh, and why weren't you on the truck with us when we found help?"

"I saw you guys leaving. I couldn't get out. The house was literally falling apart on me, and I had to wait for the firefighters to get me out. "

"I'm so sorry we left you. It's just that Grandmother was in such bad shape. "

"I know Allyson. It's alright. "

She went over to Laurie, and took a bloodied kitchen knife out of the jacket. Allyson wrapped it around the knife, and laid it beside her head.

"This is for you. Whenever you need it."

Then she kissed her forehead. I heard Karen screaming outside the room. She kept questioning them about if they had security guards. Now, Michael was way smarter than that. He would never come here. I know he knows Laurie is here, but think about it. There's no way Michael would risk it with all these people. He would play it better than that. Nobody could outsmart him, ever.

"You can come if you want, Y/n. We could use the extra help. But, you don't have to though. I'll understand. "

"Yes, I want to help. I'll be with you soon."

"Everyone is outside. Hurry up."

Allyson left the room. Karen was long gone by the time Allyson left. I wonder where she went. I go over to Laurie, and think about taking the knife. I bet Tommy had a bunch of guns I could choose from. Taking a knife would be plain stupid. Maybe I could just hide it. So Laurie couldn't use it later on. I reach for the knife in the jacket, and unwrap it. Then I stick it in under the mattress between the frame. Anyone would have to be smart in the situation I was in. Making sure Laurie was still sleeping, I head outside to find Allyson, and Tommy. Part of me hoped that Tommy would split us into groups. Then it would be easier for Michael to kill. Once I found him, I wouldn't leave him. Having second thoughts, stops me from walking. Since most of the people in Haddon Field are mostly dead by now, what was I going to do with him. I couldn't keep him in my house.Michael has an urge to kill, and keep killing. If people ended up dead every day, my house would surely be investigated. Once Michael was done setting his revenge on Laurie, we would have to go somewhere far away from here, once Michael was done setting his revenge out on Laurie. I knew he wasn't going anywhere without ending her. Why couldn't Michael just let it go.

I continue walking, and spot Tommy, Allyson, and some other people standing by car. Taking a peek inside the car, instantly made me smile. It was loaded with various types of firearms. There's no way this man had a permit for all of these. Tommy spoke up.

"Alright. We need to give all these people protection. You gotta share your shit, Lonnie."

Allyson walked over.

"Let's see what you've got."

"Yeah, just help yourself." Lonnie said.

She grabbed a shotgun.

"Michael Myers had haunted this town for 40 years. Tonight we hunt him down. "

"I'm going to give each of you guys, a group to be in. Allyson, you go with your boyfriend, Lonnie, and Y/n."

"Why do I have to go with them, Tommy?"

"Because I said so. I'm going to go recruit more people. "

Tommy pointed to the four people I didn't know.

"You 4 are going to be in a group. You cover Spring Creek, and let me know if you see anything. This man is a threat, and we are going to stop him tonight. "

"Y/n, you guys are going to drive down the other streets, warning people to go back inside. Can you do that?"

Allyson spoke up before I could say anything.

"Yes, we'll do that."

"Great. See you all soon."

Tommy walked over to his car, got in, and drove off. I went to the front of Loonie's car trunk, looking at all the gun options. Allyson, took the only shotgun. So I went with a simple handgun.

"Hey girl's, make sure you don't damage my guns. They were expensive."

"Got it Loonie."

It's better to agree with him than argue. The group of 4 picked their weapons, and took off.

"Come on, we don't have all night."

Loonie went to the driver's side, and got in. Allyson, and her boyfriend got into the back. So I went to the front passenger side. I wondered where Michael would be. There was no reason to worry because, I knew he could take care of himself. But I couldn't stop thinking that something could go wrong. So many people would be out hunting for him tonight. How would Michael be able to take on all the town people? That's where I come in. That is why I have to find him before anyone else does. He's going to need protection. When Tommy, and his gang he is going to round up find Michael. He is surely going to be a goner. I must stop that from happening. Loonie put his foot on the gas pedal, driving us off to find Michael.

Michael Myers x  Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now