May We Meet Again

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After a few minutes of Lonnie's driving, he pulled onto the side of the street.

"Okay, guys, listen up."

Loonie grabs a map from the dash and a flashlight. He turns on the light and turns to a certain spot on the map.

"He's going home."

He took his finger and pointed to the locations.

"He went from Laurie's compound to the victims in her neighborhood, to the park. Okay, if you track those locations, that's a straight line. Basically an arrow, pointing to Lampkinlane, Michael's childhood home."

Would Michael really kill at my house? If he did that, I would be forced to move out. It would be condemned after all the killing that's about to happen. A part of me knew it was all going to end up at my house. Of course it would. That was Michael's house too, after all.

"I came face to-face with this asshole when I was a kid. He creeps. He kills. He goes home."

Allyon then had to open her mouth.

"And that's where we are going?"

"You know, that's where I live, right?"


"Yes, Loonie, Michael Myer's old house is mine."

"That's crazy shit, Y/n. You better be careful. He might come after you."

Loonie started the car, taking off to my house. Tommy's gang would show up sooner or later. Luckily, I still had my gun in my pack pocket with plenty of bullets. Tommy's gang should be no real threat to me. Laurie was in the hospital, badly injured. So I knew she wouldn't go with Tommy. If I played my cards correctly, everyone would die tonight at my hands. And Michael's. Laurie loved her family. If anyone lived and told Laurie I was killing with Michael, she would think he made me do it and possibly forgive me. Well, that doesn't matter now. What matters is helping Michael and not caring about what Laurie thinks. Loonie pulled up on the side of the street across from my home.

"Okay, so the key is that we stick together."

"No, I'm going in alone."

"Do you really expect me to sit here and let you go in yourself and confront the man that killed my father."

"No, I don't expect you to, but I'm asking Allyson, for your sake and my sons'. Okay, just stay here. You see anything suspicious, you honk the horn. Alright? But you stay safe."

Loonie got out of the car with a pistol. I watched as he walked with the gun in front of him. He knocked on the door harshly. Like Michael was going to open it for him. Before going inside, he turned around and gave us a thumbs-up.

"This is so fucked up," said Allyson.

Just a few seconds after he entered. A gunshot rang out. Cameron and Allyson exited the car with their guns, trying to play hero. They went on either side of the door, with Cameron signaling to go in. Getting out, I went over as they opened the door.

"Y/n? Why don't you have your gun out?"

"I don't have one."

That was, of course, a lie. It was covered by my jacket in my back pocket. Cameron slowly walked in, calling out for his dad. It was pitch black in here. Michael must have cut the power. Cameron told Allyson to go to the door that was cracked open. She nodded and walked over to it. I could tell they were both afraid because their breathing was really loud. Allyson was in front of the door now as I stayed back with Cameron. She put her finger on the trigger and he used his foot to push open the door. Allyson fired a shot with the force pushing her back. She was literally panting at this point. Walking over, I noticed how she destroyed my pumpkin instead of Michael.

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