Part twenty five- the Finale

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New Year's Eve

Yet again Lewis was hosting a party to see in the new year but this time only the formula one drivers and there partners were there along with Macey, Paul, Caitlin and Ollie.
Macey aas not going to drink as much as she did last time there was a party because the hangover afterwards was rough.
However Elle was not at this party in fact she was no where to be seen.

Max walked into the party and scanned the from for Elle but there was no sign of her at all. After an hour or two Max is starting to get quite worried about Elle and how she's doing.
Max spits a tipsy Pierre and asks him where Elle is as he knows that when Pierre is a bit tipsy he cannot keep his mouth shut.
"Hey Pierre mate, where's Elle?" Max asked Pierre.
"I know I know this Elle is out swimming because she wanted to clear her head." Pierre Replied.
"WHAT oh dear" Max was now very very very worried about Elle. Pierre just seemed to not care and walk away from the situation.
Max didn't know what to do.

Elle POV
Elle was very stressed and still extremely upset about what happened with Max she didn't know what to do, she had t talked to anyone in weeks and she didn't talk to anyone because she thought that if she did start to fall to people about it she would just be a burden to them.
So Elle decided to go for a swim and not go to the party at Lewis' as everyone was going to be there and she couldn't face it.

As Elle was swimming out the weather had started to turn that's when Elle decided to turn back but she couldn't then she realised, Elle was stuck in a rip tide.
Elle started to panic as the weather was getting worse and worse and worse.
Elle started to scream for help but her screams seemed to be overpowered by the music from all of the parties.

The panic wasn't helping as every time Elle opened her mouth to scream she took in an abundance of salt water.

The waves were getting bigger, smashing down onto Elle, she started to loose hope, no one was going to save her.

Max's POV
Max ran out of the apartment block and to the jeti on the beach and looked out into the rough sea.
He started to think that Pierre was lying which was a relief.
As he turned around he heard faint screams for help his heart sank when he turned back around and saw Elle fighting to stay afloat. Max wasted no time and threw his blazer jacket on the floor and ran to
The edge of the jeti where there was a little jetski tied up, max frantically untied the jetski and started it up and raced out to Elle. She was barely concious by the time max got to her.

Elle's POV
She started to close her eyes when all of a sudden she felt something pull her out of the water.
It was Max.
Max had now hauled her onto the jetski and was slowly making his way back I to shore making sure she didn't fall Of again.
Elle felt safe for once.
As she was drifting in and out of consciousness she heard a soft sweet voice say to her,
"It's ok Elle your safe now, I've got you don't worry"
Elle's eyes stated to tear up as she clung onto Max and felt Max kiss her softly on the head.
She felt safe in Max's arms she felt like nothing could ever hurt her when she was with him and she like that very much.

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