Part three

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It had been a few days since Elle and Arthur met up with their friends, it was now time for the two to fly out to Azerbaijan with Charles for his next race.
Elle could sense the stress in the air so had invited Macey, Caitlin, Ollie and Paul to go with them to lighten the mood.
"I can't believe your taking is to Azerbaijan" Macey exclaimed with a cheery voice.
"Baku is my favourite circuit" Caitlin added.

Soon the plane took off, everyone was ok apart from Macey who was a nervous wreck although she tried to hide it since she was in front of many people she didn't really know.

The plane landed and everyone quickly grabbed their bags and ran through the airport to get to the taxi, who had already been waiting a while for them.
"Dépêchez-vous plus vite"  "quicker hurry" Elle and Arthur said this in unison as everyone hoped in the car.

A few days into there 'holiday' and it was race day. Macey, Caitlin, Ollie and Paul went to go find there seats in the grand stand while Elle and Arthur comforted Charles.
"Charles, allez, il est temps de monter dans la voiture" "Charles come on it's time to get in the car" Charles' race engineering sheepishly said still recovering from Monaco.

Charles looked at Elle and Arthur, turned and rushed out the door. The twins walked through the garage until they finally found the tv to watch the race on, it was silent apart from a few Italian whispers, but it wasn't silent for long.
The race had begun.

"CHARLES NON, pas à nouveau" "CHARLES NO, not again" Elle shouted as Charles made his way off of the track into one of the runoff areas.
This wasn't going to go down well, another race without getting on the podium, but the misery wasn't over yet.

"AND THATS CARLOS PUT OF THE RACE WITH ENGINE PROBLEMS" the commentator screamed from the top of his lungs as the Spaniard driver of the track with thick smoke trailing after him.

Could it get any worse.

Of course it could.

He won; the only person she didn't want to win won the race. You guessed it, Max Verstappen won the Azerbaijan Grand Prix.

Charles and Carlos stormed through the garage not bothering to even acknowledge the fact that Elle was not in the garage anymore. Elle had decided to go and see the podium since that was were the rest of her friends were waiting for her.

"I'm so sorry Elle" Macey miserable said, Macey was a huge Ferrari fan so was also upset about the double DNF that happened, Caitlin on the other hand was pleased about this as she was a huge Mclaren fan although Caitlin was pleased, she tried to hide her smile so she could comfort Elle who was visibly upset.

While the girls sulked over the DNF the three boys were getting drinks in while the drivers got ready for the ceremony.

The ceremony had started, it was a red bull one two which made matters a whole lot worse.

"SUPER MAX SUPER MAX SUPER MAX" red bulls cheers were deafening. Elle couldn't stand all the chanting so walked off and found a quite ally way to sit down and enjoy her tea and cake that she had just purchased.

"Super max ppffttt  no way he's super, he's just annoying that's what he is, an annoying self centred pig" Elle muttered to herself as she filled her mouth with cake.

"Hey want a coffee I said I'll buy these ones" a familiar Dutch voice sweetly said.
"No, now go away and let me eat my cake" Elle snapped back, she knew exactly who it was but didn't bother looking up as she was too focused on the food, she had I front of her.
"Alright, alright no need to snap at me I was only asking" Max's time changed, he seemed to be offended by Elles actions, but Elle didn't care one bit.
"J'AI DIT DE PARTIR, COCHON" "I SAID GO AWAY YOU PIG" Elle bellowed at the clearly offended Dutch man, although max didn't know what Elle said he knew that she certainly did not want him around.
"I'm going I'm going" and with that said Max turned and walked off, Elle let out the biggest sigh as she took a big sip of her tea, that was already cold.
"Super, maintenant mon thé est froid merci Max" "Great, now my tea is cold thank you Max" although Elle was talking to herself she was still very sarcastic, it was just her nature.

While all of the madness was going on Ollie pulled Caitlin aside.
"So erm I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me tomorrow at a restaurant near here" Ollie was shy but he clearly liked Caitlin a lot.
"I-I would love to Ollie I really would" the smile on Caitlin's face grew as he took her hand and pulled her in for a hug.

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