Part fithteen

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Despite Caitlin and Macey begging Elle to go to Zandvort , Elle had decided to stay at home in Monaco this race week instead Elle was watching the race on her TV. Zandvort isn't pleasant for a Ferrari fan especially if Max won.

Qualifying wasn't too bad for Ferrari with Charles starting second and Carlos starting from third, they were both going to have to work hard if either of them wanted to snatch first place from Max in the main race, however Elle was still happy with these qualifying results plus Alex Albion had qualified fifteenth.

The race seemed to be going ok, well besides Carlos getting a 5 second penalty for an unsafe pit stop release. Charles was holding up but he still wasn't catching Max enough to overtake him. The red bull was too fast for the Ferrari to catch it.

"VENEZ CHARLES VENEZ CARLOS" "COME ON CHARLES COME ON CARLOS " Elle was screaming at the TV, she was concerntarting that much on Charles and Carlos that she didn't see the sneaky Mercedes of George Russel behind Charles ready to overtake, seconds later Charles found him self in third place.

"NON" "NO" elle continued to scream at the TV.

It was the end of the race and Elle was devastated as the race ended with Carlos in eighth and Charles in third but Elle also  hold the help but feel happy for George as he was starting to show how good of a driver he is.

After the ceremony Macey and Caitlin went to find Max.

"There Caitlin, there he is" Macey said as she pointed at the champagne soaked Dutch man whose smile spread from ear to ear.

"Oh yeah go on remind him of our plan" Caitlin nudged Macey, Macey turned her head and gave Caitlin a look.

"Macey just go, go on he doesn't bite stop being so shy" Caitlin pointed and nudged Macey who was now stood staring at max shaking her head.

"Oh great now he's seen you staring at him" Caitlin flapped her arms and rolled her eyes as Max wandered over to the two girls.

"Everything ok?" Max said as he looked at Macey with a confused look on his face.

"Oh me? Yeah yeah I'm fine do you remember the plan Max" Macey said as Caitlin eyeballed her the whole time.

"Of course I remember the plan, phase two will begin in Japan...right?" Max questioned.

"Yep that's right well, we got to go bye Max" Macey said as she turned and walked of dragging Caitlin along with her.

"Bye Caitlin, bye Macey.... say hello to Elle for me" Max shouted.

"Nope" Macey shouted back as she waved behind her to him.

"See Macey wasn't so bad was it" Caitlin said.

"No it wasn't bad.... it was horrendous" Macey replied as the two of them laughed and walked of back down the pit lane.

While all of this was happening Elle was sat in her house with her head in her hands, all Elle could think of was how distraught Charles and Carlos would be. However Elle wasn't going to see them till the next race week now, this was good as all the Ferrari team had a week or so to clear there heads and go through new strategies for the next race which was in Monza.

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