"What do you mean it feeds off fear? How can we not look into it's eyes if we don't know what it looks like?" Y/N asks. They can deal with hunters easily, but they don't know what this other creature is or anything about it. They don't have time to stop and research either.

Chris sighs through the phone, "It can amplify a person's fear and then feed off of it to make it more powerful. It can also implant illusions into your mind and trick you into looking into their eyes. It will take your biggest fears and use them against you."

"Great," Stiles states, "so we have to make sure the hunters don't kill us while also keeping our eyes closed so we don't turn into human statues."

The Avengers look at each other with worry and confusement in their eyes. They've dealt with terrorists, assassins, gods, aliens, and more but they've never dealt with something like this. Is this what Y/N and the others deal with all the time? They talk so naturally about people hunting them like it's just a normal thing they deal with.

"How do we kill it?" Scott asks.

"Trap it in mountain ash and it's powers will rebound on itself," Chris replies.

"Okay, thanks for letting us know. We'll call the others and gather as much stuff and people that we can." Y/N says. She rubs her temples as she starts to think about what they should do. Hunters and the Anuk-Ite are only the things that Chris knows about. Knowing Kate, she probably has more up her sleeve that they don't know about.

"I'll do the same. See you in 30 minutes." The line goes dead as Chris hangs up the phone.

Everyone stands silently staring at Y/N, waiting for her to tell them what to do. She said she was in charge, so they are ready to hear what her plan is.

"Stiles, call dad and tell him to block all roads leading in and out of Beacon Hills." Tony's face falls slightly hearing Y/N call someone else dad.

"Do I tell him why?" Stiles asks. He's not sure if he wants to tell their dad what's about to happen. They don't need him volunteering to help. Their dad isn't supernatural like Y/N or Scott. If he gets hurt badly enough or turned to stone, that's it for him. Stiles isn't supernatural either, but he knows he can take care of himself. He's been dealing with things like this ever since Scott got turned.

"No. Just tell him to close off the town and look out for hunters."

"Got it." Stiles walks away from the others to call the sheriff.

"What do you want us to do?" Bucky steps in front of Steve, ready for Y/N to give him an order. He never thought he'd see the day that little Y/N Stark would be leading them into a battle, but he can't hide the proud look on his face. While he never wanted her to know a life like the Avengers know, he's glad to see the woman she turned out to be. It's something he stopped believing he'd see after a while.

"You and Steve can go with Scott and recruit as many people as you can. There's a lot of supernatural people who live in this town. They need to be given an option to either fight with us or stay and hope we defeat the army before they burst into town and kill everyone they want." Y/N states, looking between Scott, Steve, and Bucky.

"Do you really think we can't defeat a mere mortal army?" Thor questions. This sounds like an easy win. Why do they need more people? Why are they putting so much thought into this? He can just go over there and take them all out with a single swing of his hammer.

"I think fear makes people do unexpected things and I've learned to never underestimate anyone. Even the weakest of people can take down the strongest with the right motivation."

"Yeah, like this one time we were almost taken out by a small creepy guy who also had an obsession with Scott's ex-girlfriend," Stiles states, coming back into the room. "He also had a giant lizard helping him but it's whatever."

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon