Chapter twenty eight

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I pull her closer to me as she continues to sob into my chest. I wonder what happened between her and Master. Matter of fact, where were they? That is my reason for calling her in the first place. I wanted to know what I should make for dinner and when she would get back. "Hey," I whisper against her forehead. She continues to sob as if I did not say a thing.

I gently pull her away from my chest and slowly lift her chin. Her eyes are closed probably shielding her beautiful wet brown orbs from me. That actually rubs me off the wrong way. "hey" I whisper again. Her eyeball moves inside her closed lids. I softly kiss her left lid then her right. The soft sigh that leaves her lips gives me the green flag to continue peppering kissed in random places on her face.

"I fucked up", she whispers loud enough fir her words to reach my ears. With my face inches away from hers, I blow light air on her face for her to continue talking. She tells me about where they were and everything that happened. At some point she began crying again while explaining. I feel like the world's biggest asshole for calling her. She could have redeemed herself and finished her task if I didn't call.

"I'm so sorry," I say pulling her back to my chest. She sighed heavily and borrowed deeper into my chest. Then I remembered that I am Duncan's submissive. That I've been his sub for years and I have also gone through what she's experiencing right now. My chest aches from just thinking about it. And then it aches some more for Vivian and because that I might be the reason for it. My arms tighten around my sweet baby girl and sigh.

However, I have a plan on how to get back on good terms with master. I'm scared that she is not going to like it one bit. With how long I have been Duncan's sub, you'd think I'm used to his punishments. The answer is yes but that does not mean that I have gotten immune to the intensity. At times I also find myself near tears with how intense he is. Even when he's not making me pay for something I did wrong intentionally.

"I have a plan, but you are not going to like it" I tell her. She pulls away from my chest and looks me straight in the eyes. Her determination tells me that she's past caring about her likes and dislikes. She waits patiently for me to continue talking. I guess master taught her witty little mouth patience. I smile to myself and pet her like the sweet kitten she is. She aches a questioning brow at me, and I cough to hide the chuckle that almost escaped the confines of my throat.

"As much as I like your determination towards pleasing master, I'm afraid you really need to think clearly about what I'm about to tell you." She gives me a nod and continue staring at me. We go over the plan a few times in her room. That evening she ate dinner in her room while I was face to face with Duncan's sour mood. I'm lucky I did not get railed that night as a way to release his emotions.

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