Chapter Twenty one

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When I got home from work,the house was quite. Usually my two lovers would be watching TV or something. Not tonight though.

All the lights were off. " Sir," I called. They probably went to get food. I took out my phone and speed dialled him. He answered on the second ring.

"Master," he said breathless. " Where the hell are you," I asked.  If he's doing what I think he's doing,I'm going to rip him a new asshole. Literally.

"Has Vivian returned home," he asked. And that's when I remember that I haven't checked her room or the time. It was 2am. I quickly made my way to her room.

I switched the lights on. She stired and went back to sleep. Fuck. I exhaled in relief. God,this fucking women.

I slowly dragged my tired form to her bed. Little by little,the fabrics on my body were no more. I pulled back the covers and slid in.

She instantly cuddled me before I even got comfortable. Her body was so soft. So warm. So cuddleable. I took a deep breath.

This is nice. Very nice. But something is missing. I turned my head towards the night stand. A picture of me and Sir stood proud next to her phone.

That had me smiling like a pussy whipped idiot. It hasn't been that long but the thought of losing the angel nestled against me had me pissed.

I put both my arms around her. She inhaled in content. I reached for her phone. Sir's number was on speed dial.

He answered on the first ring. "Baby girl, I'm so sorry. So,so, sorry babe. I promise not to tease you like that ever again. Please come back home," he said. I wanted to laugh so damn much but the emotion in his voice sobered me.

"Come back home babe. She's safe," I rasped. He took a few deep breaths before telling me that he was on his way.

After a few minutes I head the front door slam closed. I'm spent and the beautiful cuddled beside me makes it very hard to keep my tired eyes open.

"Master," Sir calls. I try to speak but I'm too tired to utter a word so I just lay there and wait for him to find us. I heard hard foot falls coming this way.

The door opens and my gorgeous puppy graces the room. He looks as spent as I do. I give him a tired smile and he returns it.

He makes quick work of his clothes and slides on the other side of the sleeping beauty. He leans forward and pepper Vivian with open mouthed kisses along her neck to her jaw.

I watch silently. Content with my life. I raise my head slightly and welcome the waiting lips of my lover. I end the kiss before it heats me enough to want to make it hard for him to walk in the morning.

I kiss his cheek, a silent good night. He sighs in content and cuddle close. I finally allow my eyes to close.

I could get used to this

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