"Fuck man, why now," he mumbles to himself, eyes squinting as he regards his mother still pleading desperately with his security to let her in, none of them yet realizing that Marshall's car is literally right behind hers.

"Marshall," I say softly and place my hand on his shoulder.

He blinks a few times, as though waking up from a daze or something and then his head snaps towards me and he just stares at me.

"I ain't seen her in years, Mel," he says in this sort of monotone, completely emotionless voice, which actually tells me that he is in fact feeling a whole lot of emotions right now.

And I am so lost. I have absolutely no idea how to help him handle this situation. Simply because I have not the slightest idea how he himself wants to handle it, and whatever he would wanna do right now, I'll just follow his lead.

But Marshall just continues to sit there stone faced, so I sigh.

"Marshall, you'll have to get out of the car and talk to her or something. Or let her follow us inside and talk to her inside. But you do need to..."

"Do I, though?" He interrupts me angrily, and I'm actually a tad bit relieved that he's angry, because at least now he is showing some type of a feeling. "Mel, you have no idea how much I fucking can't stand this bitch!" He says through gritted teeth and his jaw clenches repeatedly.

"Don't say that, Marshall," I whisper and put my palm over his cheek, he seem to actually relax a little underneath my touch.

I feel a little hypocritical saying that to him, considering that I am right now essentially trying to get him to give his estranged mother a chance, when I would never give my fucking father a chance ever, but then again, I honestly don't think it's the same situation at all. At least, I don't think it is.

I watch Marshall sigh heavily down his nose, just as he begins to frag one of his hands down his face.

"Aight, common," he suddenly grabs my hand and pulls me closer to his side. "Let go say hi to my momma. Ain't no way in hell I'm letting her through this gate, but imma go speak to her. And you are coming with me."

I don't mind at all to be an emotional support for him right now, so I get out of the car with him without a word.

"Don't fucking say anything personal to her at all about our life," Marshall hisses in my ear, just as we walk around his car and make our way to where his mother is parked.

"Oh course not, who do you take me for?" I kind of snap back at him, just because at this very moment nerves start to overwhelm me too. This is a very weird and uncomfortable situation after all.

Just as we are starting getting closer to her, Deborah now notices us, and her eyes go big as saucers, then immediately fill with tears.

"Marshall, son!!" She exclaims, and hops out of the car with a whole lot more agility then I would expect from someone looking as frail as she does.

She quickly makes her way iver ti us and attempts to throw her arms around his shoulders and hug him, but Marshall is quick to grab at her wrists and lower her arms away from him, pushing her slightly back, gently but firmly.

"Why are you here, Debbie?" He sighs tiredly, and his mother immediately starts crying, and honestly? At that moment my heart goes out to her. She just looks so pitiful in this moment.

"Marshall, I haven't seen you in years, son. That's really all you've got to say to me?" She whispers.

"I mean, what you want me to say?" Marshall shoves his hands in his pockets as he stares down at her, face wiped of any emotion once again. "Look man, imma repeat myself again. Why are you here? What is it that you want, money?"

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