A/N: I'm back?

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yes, hi, im alive. shocking right?? even for me LMAO

dark jokes aside, can i just say. . .

what is this plot????

Literally looked back and reread this shit and i just— what?

It felt like mental torture, and here i thought im through with that LMAOOO

eniways, when i reread this, i saw a fuck ton of flaws sOoo im gonna list em down so you'll see my point (if you haven't realized it already)

Beginning parts

- 3yrs of being classmates with the same people and just now did they decide to go for it?????????

- It all happened so fast, LIKE REALLY fast. One second they were playing truth or dare then the next thing Jirou has seen Bakugou half naked??? Good job me, really realistic.

- FLIRTING ALREADY AFTER A NIGHT OF ACTUALLY TALKING, and to make it so much better they fUCKINg sLEPT in the same bed like it was nothing??? I dont know what i was thinking.

I get this is a fanfic and i basically perfected the 'things in anime fanfiction that doesn't make sense' trope but this is just 2018 level writing. It made me stare at the mirror and ask— why? Just why is younger me like this?😭 Moving on-

Middle Parts

- Not one, not two, but three— THREE PEOPLE HAS A CRUSH ON JIROU. Even you guys were a bit err about it.

I mean dont get me wrong, Jirou is the hottest sexiest character and the love of my life, she is everything i ever want. But if we're looking at this in a diff perspective and not from biased opinion, id say its also a bit ridiculous.

- also Yanderes??? I get what you were trying to do young me, but i think you went a lil meh and just made it straight up cringe

-this one should be obvious, considering whats been happening in the anime right now, it doesnt make sense anymore. It makes not really comfortable with writing??? I dont know how to word it specifically

And yes i cried when Jirou— spoilers to those who haven't read the manga


Anyways tho those whos still here somehow, what do you guys think i should do with this? Do i scrap it or what cuz i really dont know myself lol

I gotta end it here b4 it gets too long, just comment it down igg

See you soonn

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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