Part 15

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"Oh, you're on!"


Jirou's P.O.V.

It had been a long, long, day.

Denki managed to finally beat me in Mario Kart after 6 rematches.

Honestly, it was better than the last time.

By now, most of them had gone up to their rooms. I cant blame them. Its almost midnight. Weekends were usually our rest days and slept as much as we could.

I looked around and didn't find the ash blonde I was out with for almost the whole day. Unsurprisingly.

'Still that same 8PM sleep schedule'

Sero ended up passing out on the couch beside me, Kirishima on the floor right below him, and a tape covered grape on the ceiling.

I stretched and got up to make my way to my own room. A few minutes of walking later, I reached my door and stepped inside.

Plopping down on the bed, I stared at the ceiling for a few minutes. Eventually, I fell asleep.


*Still* Jirou's P.O.V.

A week goes by, everyone had been training really hard for this years sports festival.

Katsuki and I grew even closer and opened up about each other more. Everything from the past week was so sudden that I still feel a bit overwhelmed but I decided to leave it alone, I dont wanna ruin it. Not after I'm slowly liking him too.

Training as usual was tiring and classes were boring. Bakugou is really making sure we win the festival, pushing me to my limits and he never holds back during spars. Though, I should've expected that.

Lunch came and everyone made their way to the cafeteria, I had to pack my things and saw Bakugou waiting for me at the door.

'I'm having Deja Vu from the first time. . .' I sweat.

I eventually finished fixing my things and made my way to Bakugou.

"Took you long enough." He rolled his eyes.
"I thought I was gonna lose my legs."

"I didn't even take that long! You're just being dramatic so I feel bad about it." I defended.

"Yep" He grinned.

We walked down the hall and into the cafeteria. You'd think by now the confused stares and curious glances would've died down, but nope. Especially from a certain rival class from nextdoor.

"What's this? Bakugou managed to actually find someone who likes him? HAH— ow!" A voice that still managed to get into all of 3As nerves exclaimed.

"Sorry about him! 3 years didn't really matter for his arrogance. You guys look cute together by the way!" Kendo smiled while dragging a complaining Monoma.

I smiled awkwardly while Katsuki did his signature 'tch'. We got our food and sat at the table where the rest of our group are.

"Are you guys excited for the Sports Festival next week?" Sero asked. "I'm pretty nervous."

"Yeah, I'm a bit nervous for it too. Everyone has improved from last year, and— who was that girl from 3-B that almost won against Shoto-san again?" Denki questioned. "Was it— Ibra- Bir—"



"All of us have gotten stronger these past few years, I wont be surprised if one of the other classes place this time." Mina joined in. "What do you think Kyo?"

"Huh- who me? Um, yeah I guess. A part of me is kind of excited 'cause I want to see how far I've grown, and maybe this time, I'll make it to the finals." I continued to focus on the food.

"Ofcourse I fucking will! I wont let these extras get in the way." Katsuki smirked, a dark aura seemingly forming around him.

"We will win, this is a team effort Katsuki. I dont want to feel like dead weight and let you just carry us. Its gonna look like I only won because you were there. I want to contribute on how we'll win too!" Everybody on the table looked at me.

"Thats so manly Kyo! Do your best!" Eijiro gave me a big smile and a thumbs up.

"Fine. If thats what you want, you'll have to train harder." Katsuki glared at me. Nothing personal though. "And I wont be holding back anymore."

"YOU WEREN'T?!" I gaped.

"HAH! Looks like we have so much more to work on."

"I thought I told you not to hold back?!"

"I would've warned you if I wasnt!"

Third Person's P.O.V.

"Like a married couple." Mina giggled. Leaning her head on Kirishima's shoulder while watching the two bicker. Kirishima only smiled at them with a comical drop of sweat on his head.

"Fine! Meet at ground beta later after school!" Bakugou challenged.

"You're on!" Jirou replied, a challenging grin on her lips. There faces were a good inches apart when suddenly—


The whole table looked at where the sound came from. Only to be looking at a pair of chopsticks now snapped at the bottom.

They transferred there gazes at the one holding the said object, Kaminari.

"You good bro?" Sero looked at him worried.

"Huh- Oh yeah. I just dont feel well today, the loud noise isn't really helping" Kaminari gave them an awkward smile. "Eheh, excuse me for a minute."

Kaminari got up and speed walked his way to the bathroom, not caring if the bell was ringing while he was doing so.

Arriving, he pulled out his phone, cautiously looking around to check if anyone else was in there. After making sure, he quickly dialed someone and waited for them to pick up.

Kaminari's P.O.V.

The phone rung. After a few seconds, they picked up.


"Meet me at the park closest to the school later. Don't make me wait." I hanged up before the person on the other line could say anything else.

I screamed and punched the mirror until it cracked. Shards of glass and droplets of blood covered the sink and my fist.

I glared at my broken reflection.

"That narcissistic piece of shit crossed the fucking line." Angry tears started to appear.

"I'm gonna fucking kill him, and I'm gonna make sure she watches as I do, I'll make sure of it." A smile crept into my face.

'This way, she'll know not even that time bomb can get between us'  Tears still continued.

'I don't give a fuck on what Shigaraki says, that bitch needs to die.'

I wiped my tears angrily and washed my face to try and get rid of any trace of crying.

With that, i walked out of the bathroom, a sinister smile present.


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