Volume 3 Chapter 7 - Cherish the Simple Days

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3rd Person Pov

The autumn sun is weaker than the one in summer, but in warmth it’s similar
to spring.

Sitting on the grass under a sky as blue as paint, it was easy to drift off.
High Elf Archer heaved a great, lazy yawn and smiled at the man with her.

Elf : Ahhh, this feels great.”

Rimuru : ......Mrm.”

Elf : Oops, did I hurt you?”

Rimuru: No,”

he said.

Rimuru: But I don’t understand why you’re doing this.”

Elf : Because I want to?”

She brushed aside his Blue
hair with one hand, moving the little stick in her right hand in his ear.

Elf : Heh-heh! It’s actually pretty fun,
cleaning your ears.”

Rimuru: Is it?”

After that, he fell silent.
She took that as a good sign, enjoying the feeling of the weight on her knees.
A cool breeze blew out of town, over the hill where the daisies had been in

The sunlight was still warm, but the wind seemed to be growing colder.
A sweet aroma arrived on the breeze—fragrant olives.

Could the smell really have carried this far? she wondered. The world seemed at ease.

He hadn’t told her much, but...
The rain had stopped, the storm had passed, and everything was over.
Travelers on the way home frowned at the goblin corpses they found along
the roads.

The low-ranking adventurers who had been dispatched shortly after dawn to
clean up were probably none too happy, either.

But the one who had silently gone about digging holes and setting traps did
not seem to pay it much mind.
The festival was over, and he had done what he had to do. That was all. And
that meant...

Elf : I have to go back to how I was, too...huh.”

Rimuru : ...What’s that?”

Elf : N-nothing,”

she said, then brought her lips close to his ear and blew gently. He shifted in surprise. I knew this would be fun, she thought.

Elf : Done. Flip over. I’ll do the other side.”

Rimuru : ...All right.”

He obediently rolled over, like a giant puppy. He was a bit too dangerous for a pet, though, and maybe not impressive
enough for hunting. A stray?
She stroked his hair at the thought.

Elf : “Not quite. You do have a home.”

Rimuru: What are you talking about?”

Elf : Hmm, I wonder.”

She chuckled meaninglessly and tugged on his ear.

Elf : Stay still, now. I wouldn’t want to get it too deep.”

Rimuru: That would be a problem.”

Elf : You could stand to be a little less serious, though.”

She giggled. What did her laugh sound like to him, now that they were so

Rimuru: Sorry. Let’s take a break.”

Elf : Huh?”

High Elf Archer blinked, but withdrew the ear pick.

Elf : Sure, but... What’s up?”

Rimuru : We have visitors.”

He had heaved himself up. She followed his gaze and did indeed spot several
people. One was small, one slim, one armored, and one towering.

Elf : ...Ahh.”

Even as she smiled in understanding, he was donning .

He  it, gathered his equipment, and nodded. He was ready.

Slayer : You don’t have to be embarrassed.”

Rimuru : I’m not embarrassed,”

he said as he stood. He surveyed the faces of his five companions, and then asked,

Rimuru: Goblins?”

Slayer : Yes....”

Slayer made a sound halfway between a snort and a sigh.

Slayer : That receptionist girl pleaded with us, said nobody else would do it. So we didn’t have any choice...”

Rimuru : Let’s go. Where is it? How large?”

It took him no time at all to decide.
That was the answer he always gave. While High Elf Archer  rolled her eyes to the clouds, but Lizard Priest was used to this already.

Slayer : In the mountains. Evidently a rather sizable nest.”

Rimuru: All right. Equipment?”

Priestess: Oh! I already bought everything!”

Priestess seemed simultaneously proud of herself and a bit embarrassed.
That explained the large-ish bag she was carrying. If they had to go into the
mountains on foot rather than by carriage, they would need quite a range of items. And she was already enough of an adventurer to have thought ahead and obtained everything.

Dwarf : Food and wine, I assume. And everything else we normally use?”

asked Dwarf Shaman.

Rimuru : Good.”

Rimuru nodded.

Rimuru: Whatever else we need, we can get when we arrive. Was it a villager who filed the quest?”

Slayer : Indeed.”

Rimuru : Then they’ll know the area. First thing when we get there, we study the terrain.”

High Elf Archer watched him prepare, one item at a time. There was something irresistible about it, something so utterly reliable, and she felt a smile creep over her face.

She stood quietly from the grass. At the same moment, he turned his head
toward her.

Rimuru: Sorry. I even promised you to go Adventurer with you with no goblins.”

Elf : . Don’t worry about, if Orcbolg Decided it's a goblin quest, we had no choice”

Rimuru : .Yes...you are right”

Then he spoke up again, as if something had just occurred to him.

Rimuru : The fragrant olives.”

Elf : Yeah?”

Rimuru : I researched them, but I don’t think they fit me.”

Elf : Oh, no?”

High Elf Archery cocked her head, the wind picking up her hair.

Elf : I think I’d have to disagree...”

Rimuru: Would you?”

Elf : Sure.”

Rimuru : I see.”

And with that he fell silent and left on their adventure—no, their goblin hunt.
They would beat them. They would beat them and come home.

High Elf Archer understood perfectly that this was how he would spend his days—now that the festival was over.

She watched him on his side, smiling, with a whisper. Now, then.

The wind gusted from far away, carrying once more the scent of the olives.

Those flowers represented four things: purity, humility, true love...and first

I think it fits perfectly.
Her murmur, like the fragrance of flowers, was borne away by the wind.
Autumn had deepened, and the footfalls of winter approached.

To be to Continued

Author Note : Next Volume will be much Slower since school is back after need year, so I got even lesser time or no time at all to touch Wattpad also similar situation to the other author

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