Volume 3 Chapter 6 - Seventh Powers

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3rd Person Pov

The canary chirped against the pouring rain. It sang a melody from its cage, and the droplets pelting the window formed
the accompaniment.

Cow Girl sat by the window. She touched the fogged glass with a fingertip
and exhaled. She leaned on her arms. The dress she still wore was all that was left of her festival morning.

She could feel the cool air on her cheeks. A faint smile appeared, and she

Cow girl : I wonder where your masters  now. What they're doing.”

There was no reply. The bird just continued to twitter tunefully.
The bird he had brought home that summer now lived with them on the farm.

When she had asked,

Cow girl : Is it a gift for me?”

he had replied,

Slayer : Not really, its From Rimuru, he gave it to me.”

Ahh, That Person, he could be strange sometimes. Strange. For him, that included going to a festival, or going on a date.

Cow girl : ...”

Maybe he’s not coming back.
She buried her face in her arms as the thought crossed her mind.
She didn’t want to see herself reflected in the window. She couldn’t stand to.
Her right hand clenched. It still bore the ring—really just a toy—that he’d
given her.

She’d been quite content with it when they were together. But now that they
were apart, it was not nearly enough.
More, more, more. More of what?

Cow girl : Have I always been this selfish...?”

She could hear the throaty rumble of thunder in the distance. Old stories told that such sounds were the voices of dragons, but she didn’t know whether it was true. Thankfully, she had yet to meet a dragon. And hopefully she never would.

Rumble, rumble. The thunder was getting closer. Thunder...? Cow Girl realized the sound had stopped just near her.

That wasn’t thunder. So what...?
She lifted her head, confused. She could see herself in the glass. She looked
terrible. And past her reflection...
A grimy steel helmet, drenched with rain.

Cow girl : Wha?! Oh... Wha?!”

She sat up in a rush, her mouth opening and closing. What should she say? What could she say? Words and emotions whirled around her head and heart.
She couldn’t quite manage Welcome back or Are you all right?

Cow girl : Wh-what are you doing out in the rain like that? You’ll catch a cold!”

That was the greeting she settled on as she pulled the window open with a

Slayer : Sorry. The light was on, so I thought you were awake.”

Compared to her disheveled state, he was so composed it made her angry.

Slayer : Something’s come up.”

Cow girl : Something like...?”

Slayer : I’ll be back in the morning,”

he said calmly, and then after a moment’s thought, added,

Slayer : I would like stew for breakfast.”

Cow girl : Uh—”

He would be back. He was going out of his way to tell her he would be back.
And that he wanted to eat her cooking.
This man... Oh, this man!

Cow girl : ...Stew? In the morning?”

Warmth spread through her chest, and a smile lit up her face. I’m such a light touch!

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