Chapter 9 - Strong Ones

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3rd Person Pov

Red Orge : I thought the goblins were too quiet. Good help is so hard to find these days..."

The ogre's mouth was like a rent in his face; his breath heaved out. His voice
was a howl.

Red Orge : You aren't like that forest dweller from earlier. You came here
knowing this was our fortress, seeking to do us violence."

The ogre's bloodlust
was palpable, mesmerizing the adventurers. Golden eyes burned in his head.

The party members each readied their weapons, dropping into low stances and preparing for a fight. From their ranks, Goblin Slayer said calmly,

Slayer : What? You're not a goblin?"

Red Orge:;I am an ogre! Don't tell me you didn't know?!"

he bellowed. High Elf
Archer took advantage of this exchange to nock an arrow into her short bow.

An ogre. A man-eater. If goblins were driven by a hatred for those who have words, ogres were moved only by their thirst to hunt prey. These faithless, Unpraying creatures
struck fear into the hearts of adventurers everywhere. Anyone who had met an ogre and lived to tell the tale spoke of their fearsomeness and strength.

They said a knight with a sturdy shield died when he tried to block an ogre's attack, only to find his own shield buried in his head.

They said a great warrior had challenged an ogre to a hundred-day battle, but that the monster never took a scratch, and after months of combat, Warrior fell exhausted.

They said a wizard who knew a great many spells had tried to match wits
with an ogre but was burned to death when it turned out the ogre knew even more spells than she did.

Suffice it to say, ogres were stiff opponents even for those of Silver rank.

A Porcelain rank, they might just squish like a bug.

Fear was written on all the party members' faces. Priestess's trembling arms caused her sounding staff to rattle in her hands.

But Goblin Slayer said with profound exasperation,

Slayer : No. I didn't know."

There was a tremendous cracking sound-the ogre was grinding his teeth.

He looked at the warrior before him, in cheap leather armor and a steel helmet, as though he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Red Orge : You cur! You dare to mock me?! My Brother and I was granted an army by the Demon Generals-"

Slayer : Hmm...I knew there had to be someone in charge,"

Goblin Slayer said, shaking his head.

Slayer: But I don't know anything about ogres, or Demon Generals,
or whatever."

In an excess of fury, the ogre let out a string of unintelligible howls. With
every roar, he pounded his war hammer against the walls, shaking the ruins and causing the white stone to crack.

Red Orge ::Then let me teach you about us, ignorant one!"

The monster thrust out his
great, pallid left hand and began to recite:

Red Orge: Carbunculus... Crescunt..."

A faint light appeared in his palm and spun until it had become a flame. The flameburned red, then gradually white, and finally blue...

Dwarf : He's summoning a Fireball!"

Red Orge : ...Iacta!"

Dwarf Shaman shouted his warning just as the ogre finished his spell. A
sphere of lethally hot fire came flying through the air, trailing a tail like a comet.

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