Volume 3 Chapter 4 - Its Your Smile That Matter

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3rd Person Pov

Noontime on a festival day saw the plaza packed with people, giving the
appearance of a living mosaic.

The pillar that stood in the middle of the plaza in lieu of a clock tower made a
natural meeting point.

She looked somewhat plain amid the gaudily dressed men and women
milling about.

She was wearing a neat but unremarkable white blouse. She had put on culottes that were made for ease of movement above all else, and plain tights.

Her hair was styled the same way as usual. But she had gotten a new ribbon to hold her braid back.
Simple, personal clothes—this was all she had to wear into town on her day

Simple, personal clothes—this was all she had to wear into town on her dayoff

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After all...

Guild Girl: Ah.”

...See? It was then he came, striding boldly through the crowd as though it were not there.

There was no mistaking him, and certainly no losing him in the sea of bodies.

He had unusual outfit that standout in the crowd, but his blue platinum hair just can't be mistaken.

He was not in  his usual self , but it  was enough to make her laugh.

So she summoned up a smile just like the one she always had. Only her
clothing was different today.

Guild Girl : Did you enjoy your morning?”

Rimuru: Yeah ,”

Rimuru said, coming to a stop in front of her and giving one of his usual nods.

Rimuru: Sorry to keep you waiting.”

Guild Girl : It’s all right. I just got here myself.”

A small lie on her part.
She wouldn’t mention that she had been so excited she had arrived before

She coughed a little to cover her deception and continued.

Guild Girl : ...Hee-hee. You are a little late, though, Rimuru-san.”

Rimuru : Sorry.”

Guild Girl : Not at all, it’s fine. After all, I...”

...like waiting.

Then Guild Girl smiled mischievously, spun, and began to lead him away.
Her braid, bright with its new ribbon, wagged like a tail.

Guild Girl : Well, let’s go, then!”

She knew. Even if she had dressed up, it wouldn’t have gotten his attention.
Instead, she wanted him to see the real her, not the face she showed at work
every day.

Not Guild Girl. Just regular Girl. The way she normally was.
Part of the reason she had dressed plainly was to declare, This is me!

Guild Girl : Did you eat lunch already?”

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