Side Quest : Promotion Exam

758 33 3

3rd Person Pov

In the Royal Capital inside of a Guild, There was a woman who has dark bob-length hair with bangs that cover the right side of her face and her injured right eye. Unlike other female guild employees, she wears a dark suit over a white shirt and tie, and a pair of dark pants and shoes

 Unlike other female guild employees, she wears a dark suit over a white shirt and tie, and a pair of dark pants and shoes

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She was sitting down in her desk reviewing the Guild Reports.

Examiner : (It's really great to review what Adventures did to the Guild)

Said the Woman as she lick her finger and flip a new page, until she saw something interesting.

Examiner : (Mhm? Let's see this Guy,)

Examiner : ( Rimuru Tempest, A Man who has been Promoted To Emerald Rank under a Year?)

The Woman said with dumbfounded face.

Examiner : (Let's see what his Quest Logs)

The Woman Said as she review Rimuru quest logs.

Examiner : ( His First Quest he killed Goblins)

Examiner : ( hmmm not bad,killing Goblins at his first quest)

But when she read further something wrong about his logs.

Examiner : ( on his Second quest he killed Goblins, in his Third Quest he killed Goblins)

Examiner : (Could it be?, This person raise his rank by repeating the goblin quest?!)

Said the Woman until she saw something interesting at the last log.

Examiner : (Mhm? , In his last quest it was reported the he killed an Orge alone during a goblin quest!)

Said the Woman,

Examiner : (I need to meet this person)

Said the Woman as she prepared to leave in the Capital to meet our Protagonist.

(Day after)

(Too Lazy to do it so here you go)

(A/N ; Rimuru is the guy they are talking about)

Examiner : it's been a while

Said the Examiner intimidating the Guild Girl

Examiner : then if your done, can I borrow some of your time?

Guild Girl : Uh-Ah Y...Y-Yes!

Examiner : Very Good!

Said the Examiner still with intimidating tone.

The Examiner then look at the Inspector

Inspector : (Flinch)

Examiner : Right, may I borrow some room?

Said the Examiner to the Inspector
While the Guild Girl is looking at the Inspector trembling

The Inspector then inhale some air

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