There is no sanity.

Start from the beginning

Zach sighed, looking down at his girlfriend. He took a step toward the door when he suddenly froze. His hand shot out and stopped Natalie's movements. "Someone's here." He whispered.

She looked over at him, realising his change, "what is it?" She whispered back.

Although admittedly, Natalie knew she craved a lot more things then she could get her hands on, one thing the young girl understood was her partners abilities.

It often kept them alive. Or more herself really.

"Someone very powerful is in this house." Zach told her, keeping his head tilted down, as if not to notify the powerful one in the room.

Not that he knew she was already watching them.

"We have to go then!" She yanked on his hand and forced him to move, but they only got so far.

"I don't think running from me is very nice." Aria mused, blocking their path.

The sudden appearance of her caused the two to stumble to a stop. "Who the hell are you!" Natalie hissed, glancing around.

Not particularly feeling the obligation to go along with her and the scene Aria knew Natalie was about to make, so that the two could 'escape her', the Original grabbed each of their shoulders and using her speed, took them elsewhere.

Aria released her hold on them, looking bored. She allowed the young tricksters to regain themselves before talking.

"I'm Aria, pleasure is mine." She introduced, a smirk appearing on her face. "I've known of you two for a while now, it's quite unfortunate that you don't spice up your actions every once in a while. For a prime example, raising your voice as you did Natalie meant you intended for a scene in which you both could escape. How rude of you."


Zach interrupted his girlfriends no doubt angry reply. "What is it that you want?" He said warily.

The Original smirked, "I want you to assist a," she paused for a moment, "acquaintance, of mine."

Aria decided not to tell them that she needed Katherine alive in case they thought to use her in a way to get out of the deal. Nor was she going to tell them the plan that she was creating.

"Why should we help you." Natalie said, looking the Original up and down.

"Easy," she shrugged, looking down at her nails, I'll kill you. "I will give you what you've craved since the both of you were kicked from your coven."

"You know what that is?" Zach asked, his eyes widening.

"Shall I list them?" Aria mused, putting her hand up she closed her fist. "One, Natalie is baron and I can so very easily change that," to further her point, Aria put one finger up as if talking to a child. "Two, you do measly tricks to get by, however I can compel you a vast amount of money, and finally three, you no longer need to be tormented as I have a home surrounded by nature that cancels out all magic. You may live there and be in peace."

Usually Aria would threatened to get what she wanted, or simply compel but she decided if her plans were to work without being in the blame game for it, she had to play things in a more manipulative way.

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