There is no sanity.

Start from the beginning

In amongst the people around her, there were only two she was seeking. They were a couple who came to human parties such as this to play mind games and retrieve money from the weak-minded.

Funny, Aria thought, a small smirk appearing on her lips, that the pair were actually apart of that category.

It didn't take all that long to spot them. The girl had brown curly locks of hair, with uneven purple streaks running through it. The Original frowned slightly, coming to the conclusion it had to be a sort of fashion. The second was the taller lanky guy, short brown hair hanging messily around his narrow face. He stood roughly at 5'11 perhaps, with his partner at least a foot shorter.

Figures that she caught them in the midst of their fake tricks.

"Now the key to winning is to focus solely on the cup holding the rubber ball," the boy stated easily, grinning to show humour, like he wasn't about to rob them.

It was all part of the act.

"I know that." One of the three teenage football players rushed out, he swayed slightly. Aria knew of their status since a similar jacket was often worn by Matt.


Aria scowled, his face appearing in her thoughts.

"You got fifty bucks?" The girl spoke up, tilting her head. She chewed gum loudly, looking bored.

"You have the pot?" Another jock shot back.

"Ah yes, thing about gambling though Jack-"

"Its Kevin." He interrupted, clearly upset at the name mixup.

Drunk kids, Aria thought amusedly, her hand shot out and pushed an intoxicated, random boy away from her, preventing her to hear his sad excuse of a pickup line.

"Whatever it's just business," the girl answered annoyedly, "hand over the money or no stuff to make you feel better about yourself at night, Jack."

"Natalie calm down," her partner whispered, eyes narrowing.

"You know what piss off, I don't need to listen to your hoe ass. Let's go boys."

Once they left the annoyed expression on the girls face changed to a smirk as she turned to her boyfriend. "I got his wallet," she said.

He pursed his lips, "that's good, but next time let me actually distract them or else you'll get caught. Guys like that are usually angry drunks Natalie."

"Yeah whatever," she shrugged, pulling out the brown leather wallet, flicking it open she took out the money before discarding the rest. "You know one day we'll have to start on their cards right? Not enough people have cash on them."

"There's enough for us." He muttered, sounding irritated.

"Let's just go Zach."

Aria didn't allow her amusement to show, the way the pair bickered told her that Natalie was a greedy person, which meant that the one Aria wanted to perhaps manipulate first would be her.

They were Witches.

The Original had intended to find them for quite some time. As her plan progressed, she needed the one who saw or rather sensed the upcoming events. That person would be used so that Aria could make sure Katherine, wouldn't die during the time she was needed.

The Originals: ForgottenWhere stories live. Discover now