Joining the Party

Começar do início

"As I said, I'm not trying to stir you away from him, i just need you to be wary of that fact." Dracana says sitting beside me, "I'm a Paladin by the way, we'll work hand in hand. Literally." she laughs slightly as I do covering my mouth. during my little laugh I immediately stop and notice a boy being harmed by a guard for theft. I run over and tell the guard to cease and that I will deal with the boy, "What did you steal?" I ask the boy as he shows me a loaf of bread, I sigh and walk him to the baker as I click him out of glaring at the little boy, "How much was that loaf sir?" I ask as he glares at the boy for a short while before looking at me, "1 gold 2 silver." he says sternly. I take out my purse and reveal one gold and 2 silver, I give it to the little boy and stand behind him so he doesn't run away. He hands the coins to the baker and he smiles, the boy smiles a little back and runs off eating his bread... "Too many orphans these days..." I say as I frown.

I feel something grip my shoulder, I turn and notice It's just Verece, "I have the Armour, and the others have the other things." He places one silver in the bakers hand and nabs a bread like doughnut. As he starts to nom on it I begin to see the power hungry glisten in his eyes. I move away from him for a moment as he finishes his bread ring, he looks at me and notices the distance, "I'm not germ ridden, I maybe a tiefling but I aint that grotesque." he says with a wry smile.

I glance at him, "Dracana told-"

"you, that I'm power hungry sometimes. Yeah- I know- She also mentioned that I'm quite the flirtatious one didn't she?" he asks moving the hair from my eyes, and notices a twinkle, as he smirks, "Course she did. You like me, Admit it." He smirks like a 10 year old boy teasing a girl who had a crush on him. He smiles and gently taps the tip of my nose, "come on, lets get you changed into your new little outfit." He takes my arm as we walk back to my forest villa accompanied by flower arches and other whimsical sights. We elves only lived in the forest because our kingdom was ruled by an evil tyrant.

Verece leaves my stuff inside my room where he walks back outside to talk about how his next mission is going to pan out with me in the group. one of the well dressed maids comes in and mentions that I need to go see the High Priestess, for some divine words, I heed her advice and make a quick escape to the cathedral to see the High Priestess.

"Ashentai. I hear you have been chosen by Verece's group. They have a Paladin, heed her advice and stay close to her. Take her hand when the nights and days are dark, she will guide you to the lords light. Here are some battle robes for the apprentice cleric, also known as yourself-" The High Priestess giggles, "heal and prosper little cleric, and you shall be strong alongside them. Help the tainted and lead those away from temptation of evil." I curtsey and accept the attire. She takes off a divine cross, "Let this settle around your waist and it will protect you from evil. Where ever you go with the Paladin, the lord will protect you. He will always protect you, unless you fall into temptation. Have the Paladins back, and she will have yours. You guide each other and your group into the lords salvation, lest one is tainted by darkness"

I nod and get changed into the robes and make my way out of the cathedral after a prayer to the gods, I step up and the High Priestess draws a cross on my forehead with her fingers, "May the gods guide you."

"And you." I say as we finish the prayer. I take my leave and head out the cathedral doors, "A life at home has ended, It's time to go on an adventure." I give some more coins to the poor and head home to have the maid place the armour upon me. Currently I am wearing:

-under vest

-waist band to keep a slim figure

-white and gold robe of the cathedral

-gold rope tied in a knot to secure said slim figure

-white and gold capelet with the hood down, it was seen as rude with the capelet's hood up, especially for a cleric, unless the occasion was for stealth and/or rogue missions.

-beaded necklace with cross for divine protection around the waist

-cross necklace my mother had given me when she was a cleric.

-Knee high white boots with a gold trim around the top and a gold cross just below the trim.

The maid places on knee guards and shoulder guards and a light weight chest plate. I look out to my balcony and notice the Verece putting on a show for some kids. I smile slightly yet worry for him, his power hungry nature just may lead him to the darkness. I fear that with his current strength it wont be long before he wishes to learn more magic and possibly learn the art of retribution or worse. Necromancy. The paladin and I cannot let this happen.

I walk out being handed my mace and small shield with a cross embedded within it. I turn to Verece and he smiles proudly, "Looking very nice, little noble." he says as I smile and blush.

"Thank you." I answer as he nods.

"Let's get you caught up on the mission on the way there." he says. He makes his way towards the city gates, I fall back to the Paladin and talk to her about what the High Priestess has said.

"Most definitely, Verece just might fall prey to stronger sources of magic if we cannot contain him. We shall try our best to look after him. As he will look after us." Dracana says quietly to me, "I know you worry for him. However, he knows what he is doing- except his power hungry side- and that scares me- anyway- he's looking at us." She whispers as I slowly turn my gaze to a smug Verece.

Oh. Boy. We're in for the long road.

Roll for Love.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora