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It's been 3 weeks, since Robyn and Ryder's fight happened

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It's been 3 weeks, since Robyn and Ryder's fight happened.

They hadn't spoken to each other. They barely even look each others way, it's been like strangers living in the same house.

The first few days Robyn was messed up about it. She barely left her room. She thought there was nothing she could do about the situation anymore. Ryder didn't believe that she was no longer messing with Spark. Plus they had fought and said reckless things to each other.

This is exactly what Robyn was trying to avoid... They were best friends and now they're falling out over some bullshit.

Robyn thought she should've stuck with her gut and ignored the feelings she had for Ryder until they just... went away. That way at least their friendship wouldn't have been ruined.

On another note, Robyn had been working like hell at her shelter and trying to find another job for the crew to pull. Its been almost 2 months since their last job so they needed to get moving.

Currently Robyn was at her shelter checking in with the employees, making sure they were all set with everything.

"Hey Boss."
One of the front desk ladies smiles.

"What's up?"
Robyn smiles back.
"How is everything?"

"It's going good. We're overflowing with applications, so you might have to expand this place."
She says.

Robyn nods, "I'll think about that. Thank you."

She walks past the desk to go inside. The first level was a dining hall, where they could come to eat and do activities. The second and fourth floor had beds separated by sliding curtains. The third floor had bathrooms.

As Robyn looks around she sees a man in a nice suit walking around talking to young girls. She stands back and watches him for a minute.

"Who is that?"
She asks one of the guards at the door.

"Some guy that comes here often, says he's a preacher but he look like a pimp."
He shrugs. Robyn nods walking away.

"Aye nigga. Who are you and what you doing in my place?"
Robyn asks.

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