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Ryder had been out all day running errands for her businesses which mostly consisted of picking up cash from her properties

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Ryder had been out all day running errands for her businesses which mostly consisted of picking up cash from her properties. Once she was finished she headed to their storage to drop off a few things.

"Oh fuck."
She mumbled seeing that the lock to their storage had been broken. She opened it up and immediately called Robyn as she stepped inside.

"What's up shawty?"
Robyn answered.

"Boss, somebody broke into the second storage."
Ryder told her looking at their storage container that was damn near empty. The family kept jewelry, money and other valuable things in there. Everything totaled up to roughly over 10 million dollars, and it was now gone.

"What?! I'm on my way. You strapped?"
Robyn asks.

Ryder answers in disbelief. She didn't know who in their right mind would have the balls to steal from them. 

"Alright. Be careful."
Was all Robyn said before hanging up

Ryders decided to go down to the front desk and see if anybody had seen or heard anything. There was a perv looking guy sitting at the computer on his phone.

"Hey baldy."
Ryder says to him, hopping up and sitting on the counter.
"My storage was broken into, you see or hear anything or have any idea who might've done it?"
She raises an eyebrow.

"Are you the police? That's their job."
He scoffs still on his phone.

Ryder smacks it out of his hand and pulls her gun out placing it right under his chin.

"I'm gonna ask you one more time... who broke into my fucking unit?"
Ryder asks through her teeth.

"I haven't been paying attention! But i'll check the security cameras."
He quickly confesses.

"No, i'll check the cameras."
Ryder hits him in the face with the end of her gun, instantly knocking him out. She hops over the counter and kicks his rolling chair out of the way. She easily hacks into the computer and searches for the footage. All she had seen so far was porn. She knew he was a creep.

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