Chapter Nine

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3rd person pov

a/n: I think song fit perfectly with the duel 

"DUEL!!!!" Diana and Nicolas said at the same time their life points started at 2000

Diana LP:2000

Nicolas  LP: 2000

"I kick things off if you don't mind." Diana said.

"I'm a gentlemen so ladies first." Nicolas said.

"Thank you. I draw and set three cards face down and summon Gemini Elf in attack mode and equip them with the spell card Malevolent Nuzzler increasing  their attack points by 700 giving them 2600 attack points." Diana said

" Diana said

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"Impressive already you have a monster with 2600 attack not bad at all

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"Impressive already you have a monster with 2600 attack not bad at all." Nicolas said before he drew his card. 

"Lets see I think I set two cards face down and summoned Phantasm Spiral Dragon in attack mode." Nicolas said when his monster took the field.

" Nicolas said when his monster took the field

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"No attack." Nicolas said 

"Not so fast I activate my trap negate attack it stops your monsters attack." Diana said while her trap card activated stopping Nicolas monster in it's tracks.

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