Melody fidgets in her seat, and I grab her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze, even though part of me is kind of upset with her right now.

"It's not that I don't trust him, I mean... I want to trust him, but..." she fumbles with her words.

"And it all stems from his cheating in the past," the therapist clarifies.

See, what I'm saying yo? Here we go again, let's all hold hands and talk about how much of ain't shit individual Marshall is.

"I guess so," Melody mutters, and looks at me.

I don't say anything because it really ain't easy for me to spill my guys out in front of this damn doctor. I honestly wish Mel and I could just have this conversation one-on-one right now.

"And you two are supposed to be getting married next month," Dr. Tate now continues, looking at her notes in her lap. Or what appears to be notes in her lap. I wouldn't be surprised at all if she was just doodling in that pad on hers while continuing to listen to us. "Are you sure you still want to go through with that." She now asks, as she looks up at the both of us.

Say what now?

"Yes, of course," Melody says firmly, and I'm happy that she doesn't have any doubts about that, at least.

"What about you, Marshall?" The therapist now asks me, and I immediately feel myself shut down once again, so I just nod.

"Well then, you two have to find a way to get past this," Dr. Tate then says. "Melody, you only have two choices here, I'm afraid. You can either forgive him and move on, or, if you can't do that, then leave him."

Oh, that's it, this bitch definitely getting fired now...

"Leave him? I don't want to leave him," Melody says, and the doctor quickly writes something in her notepad. I really wanna see that shit she's writing now too. Must be all kinds of judgmental shit about us.

"Melody," Dr. Tate finally speaks again. "You seem to have a victim mentality. That's where part of your problems lie, and why you two seem to keep falling into the same pattern. You let Marshall get away with too much, you let him take, and take, and take from you. Or at least, that was your dynamic with him in the past. Now things seemingly have changed between the two of you, but you still expect him to walk all over you, and you are constantly on guard with him, because you are afraid of that. And you have to get past that. You have to realize that neither one of you are the exact same person you were back when you two have first entered this relationship. And you, Marshall, you have to realize that, at the end of the day, it is not going to be easy for her, because from what I've heard over the few times I've met with you guys, is that you have put your partner through a lot. You seem to have issues with women, and I would suggest you to look into a relationship with your estranged mother, patch things up with her, before you could ever have a healthy relationship with any other woman..."

Now, once she says that to me, I swear, she almost brings the old me back, and it takes everything in me not to cuss this bitch the fuck out right now. Cause how dare she?! Don't bring my fucked-up in the head mother into this, you don't know shit about her!

I clench my jaw and I force myself to sit there for Melody's sake and not go off on this fucking therapist, but I am only seconds away from losing it.

"Marshall, you are possessive, controlling, manipulative, and you have cheated on Melody before. How does she know for sure that you won't do that again?" Dr.  now asks me.

"See doc," I finally speak up. "Now you are confusing the fuck out of me. You just told my girl that she should move on from this, but now you are asking me how would she move on from this?"

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