Chapter 17

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Summer paced around her living room freaking out. She just wanted Jayda to be safe and did the one thing she felt she should have done the first time Jay put his hands on her.

Summer grabbed her phone and called Jayda's granny telling her everything. She didn't know what else to do and couldn't trust Dayvon enough to find her.

She knew the twins granny didn't like Dayvon at all and knew that if she found out he was partially to blame for Jayda going missing it would cause a lot more problems. But, Summer didn't care as long as her best friend was safe.

She spent maybe 30 or 40 minutes waiting until Jayda's granny called her back telling her that she knew where Jayda was and what hospital she was at after they called her.

Summer sighed with relief and had so many questions but didn't care. She asked her to pick her up and they drove to Westchester where Jayda was.

She texted Dayvon and let him know.


Von drove straight to Jay's house, parking the car down the street and watching it. He waited for about 30 minutes before he seen Jay walking up to the porch, covered in blood.

He watched as Jay's mother left the house a second time with his sister, ensuring he would get Jay alone. He got out the car and pulled his hoodie over his head and walked up to the door kicking it open with all his force.

Jay turned around jumping hard as Von swung his gun in his face knocking him down.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?" He pointed the gun at Jays head as he held the collar of his shirt in a tight ball. Jay smirked at him and shrugged causing Von to hit him again.

"Ah! Fuck..shit" Jay groaned and started to laugh pissing Von off.

"You think this shit funny? I'll kill yo fucking mama nigga laugh at that." He hit him in the face again.

"I killed her." Jay said in a bleak voice. Vons heart dropped as his grip got a little loose. Jay was covered in a lot of blood and Von remembered he was walking instead of driving implying that he got rid of his car.

"No the fuck you didn't." Von tightened his grip again not wanting to believe Jay.

"She's dead. I killed Jayda so kill me." Jay yelled at him and Von looked him in the eyes. He knew, that Jay knew, that he was going to die whether he killed Jayda or not.

Von knew right away that Jay was scared to be tortured and killed slowly and smirked.

"Nah..tell me where she is." Von stood up pointing his gun at Jay. Jay stayed quiet and sat up slowly confused.

"Tell me." Von shrugged nonchalantly.

Jay stayed quiet and Von moved the gun to his knee and pulled the trigger. He watched as Jay yelled in agony and rolled around holding his leg.

"Okay...okay FUCK" Jay said as beads of sweat rolled down his face. Von clenched his jaw as Jay started to breathe hard.

" a alley" he said shakily as Von nodded slowly.

"What you do to Jayda? And don't lie to me." He kicked him in the face and Jay groaned as tears filled his eyes.

"I stabbed her...I ain't wanna do it man I ain't wanna do nun of dis shit..." he said shakily as he started to panic. Von didn't care about his tears or regret. He walked past as Jay watched and went into his kitchen grabbing a knife.

Von walked back over to Jay and knelt over him without a word. He started to stab him over and over as Jay screamed loudly. Von's force was so hard the tip of the knife broke off inside of Jay as it hit a bone.

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