Chapter 2

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I miss youuu.." Jayda smiled as she talked on the phone with her current boyfriend, walking down the dark road not paying attention to where she was going.

"I miss you too..when y'all starting school?"

"Ugh..the 24th." She said looking up. Her heart dropped and she looked around not familiar with where she was.

"I'll call you back.." she said quietly pulling her phone from her ear and hanging up. She looked around and up at the street sign above her head.

"63rd.." she muttered and texted Cj to meet her.


Cj looked down at his phone and Von looked out of curiosity.

"Where the fuck..." he muttered and Von raised his eyebrow and looked away quickly before Cj noticed.

"Aye you know where...63rd is? Jayda dumb ass got lost and—"

"What the fuck she doing over there?" Von cut him off and furrowed his eyebrows as his frown deepened.

"Ion even kno what dat is?" Cj shrugged looking around. Von took off running and he ran after him. They ran a few blocks and Cj stopped catching his breath as Von turned another street.

Cj ran hard and caught up, stopping dead in his tracks seeing Jayda being held by a boy who looked around their age he didn't know.

"Please let me go..." she said shakily as he dug in her pockets. He took some of the cash she brought with her out of her pocket.

"JAYDA" Cj shouted looking around and the boy and Jayda both turned towards him.

"HELP ME!" Jayda screamed loudly and the boy pulled out his gun. He raised his gun pointing it at Cj and started to shoot.

"FUCK" he got down behind a car and seen Von behind another pointing his gun towards the boy.

"Don't you fucking dare shoot while he got my sister right there" Cj yelled at Von and he ignored him as he held it steady.

He pulled the trigger twice and Jayda screamed as the boy's blood splattered on her face. He brought her down with him as his grip on her remained the same and she continued to scream and cry pulling him off of her.

Cj and Von ran over to her helping her up and she hugged Cj tightly still crying.

"Cj I wanna go home" she said shakily in tears referring to her home in Georgia.

"Say we gotta get the fuck outta here gang" Von said and Cj nodded holding her hand as they ran towards their home.

They ran for about 5 minutes before stopping and taking a breath. They walked quickly the rest of the way to their home, all three of them collapsing on the living room floor.

"You just..killed him." Jayda said as she wiped her eyes. Von looked at her as his expression softened noticing how scared and shaken up she was.

"Ion think he aim was off" Von shrugged rubbing the back of his neck. Cj shot him a glare and he shrugged his shoulders again.

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