Chapter 13

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Later that night

Jayda cried in her room for hours as so many things ran through her mind. She had never seen Jay so angry and upset at her and it scared her how fast he switched up.

Jayda sat around wondering what in that bag was so important that he felt the need to put his hands on her just for looking in it. She felt more bad for his younger sister than herself because she had to watch the whole thing go down, seeing her brother put his hands on a female saying that he was "acting like their daddy". Jayda's father was abusive towards her and Cj sometimes and it reminded her of that.


Jayda had taken a shower and made some food before sitting down in the living room and watching tv while she scrolled on her phone.

She tried her best to block out what Jay had done to her but it kept creeping up in her mind no matter how hard she tried. Sometimes whenever she felt down, she would go into Cj's room and just sit there on his bed.

She walked into his dark room and flicked the lights on. Jayda always made sure no one touched his things but her. She wanted to keep it the exact way he had it before he died because it just felt right.

She walked in and left the door open behind her as she started to look through some of his things out of curiosity. She hadn't went through anything deeply but she felt like she should that night.

She went in his closet and pulled out a small lock box he had at the very top. She sighed once she realized she didn't have a key and looked around his room hoping to find it. She dug in his nightstand, moving around all the random junk and things he had in it and finally found the small key.

"So messy.." she laughed a little looking at the mess he left in his nightstand and closed it.

She grabbed the box and sat on his bed, unlocking the lock box and smiled.

"oh my god.." she chuckled and pulled out a bunch of polaroids of them when they were kids.

When the twins were 10, their father bought her a polaroid camera for her birthday and she would take pictures of anything and everyone. They would disappear from her room when they were kids and she finally realized he took them and kept them for years.

"Fucking thief.." Jayda laughed a little as she stared at them. She started to look at them all slowly, noticing how happy and innocent they used to be. Before she knew it, she was crying her eyes out wishing he was still there with her.

Losing her twin brother was the worst pain she had ever felt in her life. He was all she had after their mother left and father died. She had her grandmother but she still felt so alone because she worked day and night.

Cj kept her sane and made her happier than anyone else. She could tell him anything and he would listen to her. Their sibling bond was like no other and now she would never get to have it again. Jayda just wanted to know why, why somebody would want to kill her brother so brutally in his own home.

She knew he was selling drugs but he never told her anything else he was doing because he didn't want her to get worried and stressed over him. She just assumed because they stole the guns, money and drugs that it was drug related.

Jayda laid there on his bed crying until she couldn't anymore. She was numb and didn't know how to feel she was just so tired of everything and didn't know what to do anymore.

All she wanted was Cj and his comfort, he was always the only person who could calm her down instantly when she was stressed. It killed her that she would never see him again. She thought about it night and day, she rarely slept fearing the nightmares she constantly had about that night.

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