Chapter 33 - The Last Game

Start from the beginning

"Nice one, Ron!" Milena called out as she swooped back for the quaffle from him.

As she flew off with the quaffle, two of the Slytherin chasers suddenly flew in front of her trying to cut her off, but she was faster and dove under them, pulling back up just before hitting the ground. She zoomed back up, passing the quaffle to Angelina who zoomed off and back around, passing it back to Milena who tossed it through a hoop while the keeper was distracted by Angelina. Slytherin had had the lead in the beginning but with Ron finding this new groove and the plans Angelina and Milena came up with, the whistle soon blew and Ginny was holding up the snitch. They had just won the house cup. The crowds were cheering and Milena could hear what sounded like people singing Weasley is our King again, but it was the Gryffindors singing it this time, cheering on Ron. They gave the cup to Ron as the team surrounded him and he held it high as everyone cheered for them.

"Ron, I think that was probably the best time for you to suddenly get good at goalkeeping!" Angelina cheered.

After the match, Milena left the change rooms feeling better than ever when someone called after her making her stop to turn around.

"Ms. Carter! Ms. Carter!" A short and balding man was waving to her to stop.

"Hi," Milena greeted, "can I help you with something?"

"Ms. Carter, hi!" He happily greeted her, a little out of breath. "My name's Cormack McLeod, manager of the Montrose Magpies."

Milena was caught off guard by his introduction, but nevertheless, held out her hand to shake his.

"Oh... um hi!" She said, trying to pull words out of her mouth, "I'm Milena Carter, though I guess you already know that."

"Yes, yes, indeed I do. I have to say that was an impressive match you played there. I was sure you were going to hit the ground when you swooped down like that." He said.

"Well since I saw Viktor Krum do it, I've always wanted to be able to, so I figured that was the best time." Milena laughed, trying to hide how nervous she suddenly was.

"Well, listen," he said, "have you ever considered playing quidditch professionally?"

"Professionally?" Milena repeated. "Um I guess I've thought about it before."

"Well," he said, pulling a business card from thin air and handing it to her, "if you ever decide you want to, once you've graduated of course, I'm sure the Montrose Magpies would be happy to offer you a spot!"

"Oh wow... Thanks..." Milena smiled. Cormack smiled at her and nodded before he walked off again, joining the crowd and disappearing into it.

Milena stared at the card, reading the contact information on it then noticing the illustrated snitch fluttering around the words.

"CONGRATS, MILLS!" Fred suddenly shouted, making Milena look back up. He had his gryffindor scarf draped around his neck and his arms were outstretched as he ran up to Milena, picking her up around the waist and spinning her around, giving her a kiss before putting her down again.

"What's that you got there, Milly?" George asked, nodding his head towards the card in her hand.

"Oh... apparently the manager of the Montrose Magpies thinks I'm good enough to play professionally." Milena said, holding up the card.

"Professional quidditch?" Lee said excitedly. "You're gonna be a professional player?"

"Well, I don't know about that," Milena said, "It would be really cool, but I don't know if I would actually be as good as he thinks."

"Mills, I've played with you long enough to know he's right," Fred assured, "you would be fantastic."


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