She glared at me. " No "

" Ah come on Horikita san do you really not want to help them to get higher score ?"

" As I said the better people will get to higher place and defective will expelled that's how the class can get better " horikita didn't withdraw her philosophy.

" ah really then what was the summary you was doing earlier ?" I stated.

She flinched.

" I - I was doing it for myself " horikita sweat drop.

" Oh really you really need a summary and you ask me to believe it. I can literally see through your lies horikita san "

I placed at her desk.

" You was doing it for Sudou kun right ?" I smirked.

" No- yes you got me .are you happy now ?" She finally accepted.

" I knew it horikita san . You was a true tsundere " I smiled .

" What is a tsundere ? And I was doing this for my sake . I want to reach class A that's all " horikita denied that.

" Okay okay .now you want to my study group ?" I asked her again.

" No " she bluntly said.

" srsly guess I have no choice " I take my phone.

" srsly guess I have no choice " I take my phone

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" Do you see this horikita san ?"

She saw it and blushed .

" Wait how did you got that photo ?!? And why did you put heart in it ?!"
She try to grabbed my phone.

" This when you was having a talk with your brother . And also said you looked really cute right ?"

" Delete it right now "

" Ah why? you look so cute in this picture . I'm going to make it my screen saver"

" Don't you dare !"

" I don't only if you accepted to join my study group "

She sighed " okay, you don't delete it. until accept me right ?"

" That's good " I smiled.

"Now delete it "

" Don't worry I'm promise keeper "

I delete it right before her eyes.

' ah shame I really want it as my screen saver '

" Can't believe you actually black mailed me just to join your study group ?" horikita sit back in her seat.

" Are you not tried to black mailed me and ayanokoji kun with food just to join your study group ?" I asked her.

"..." She got no answer.

" Why are you doing this anyway ?" She asked me.

" Uhm I was also doing this for my sake ." I said to her.

" And what is that ?"

" For our class together react class A and reach our dreams together without losing anyone .That's my wish" I smiled .

" Are you serious ?" She said can't believe me.

" Yep . Our ideology maybe different horikita san but we both want to class A . So it will better if we help each other " I gave my hand for a alignment .

She gave her hand and we both hand shake.

" So we're now allies not friends remember " she stated .

" Okay okay " I chuckled.

" Ms. Tsundere " I laughed.

" What is that tsundere ?" Horikita asked me.

" I will explain to you another time now . Wanna eat lunch together ?"

" ....okay " she accepted to my shock.

" You finally accepted I said without a argument." I laughed.

" Shut up " she glared at me.

" Yes ma'am " I said .

I take her hand .

" Now let's go to the cafeteria "

To my shock she didn't shook her hand or object .she just accepted with a embarrassed face.

' this days people get sick to much I guess'

' this days people get sick to much I guess'

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( I tried to draw I suck ever more drawing in apps )

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( I tried to draw I suck ever more drawing in apps )

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