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Marcus and Natasha are currently playing air hockey, they stand on opposite sides of the table with their paddles in hand. They've been at the arcade for nearly an hour playing different games, equally challenging one another.

GHOST: "Come on... hit me, Trace."

PHOENIX: "You can't handle this!" she said slamming the air hockey puck into the back of Marcus' goal opening.

The red puck bangs into the the goal opening, making Natasha jump in the air and point at Marcus.

PHOENIX: "Yeah!!! I told you, Mitchell! You just got owned!"

Marcus is a very competitive person, all pilots are... but against Natasha, it's all gone. He never had the urge to win against her. He wants her to win every single time even with other things like dog-fights. Marcus enjoys watching Natasha win and smile victoriously.

GHOST: "Geez, you're good at these games, Tasha."

PHOENIX: "Some say I'm better in the air:" she said with a smug grin.

GHOST: "Ooooo."

Marcus chuckles and shakes his head before they walk to their next game, go-karts. Marcus is a boastful man, especially around Natasha. She matches his level of boastfulness. They hype themselves up, stating they'll crush one another and leave the other in their dust. Playful banter is their thing as they are both rightfully cocky.

PHOENIX: "I bet I can lap you a hundred times over!"

GHOST: "Oh really? I'm going to make you eat my rubber, Trace."

PHOENIX: "Yeah ok. I'm lighter than you so I have an advantage."

GHOST: "You saying I'm fat, Phoenix?"

PHOENIX: "No... never. You actually look pretty good, not going to lie." she said as she looked a deep into his eyes, making Marcus blush a bit.

GHOST: "I've been noticing your ogling eyes on me lately."

PHOENIX: "Impossible, I'm too stealthy."

GHOST: "Not stealthy enough. Especially for someone like me who simply can't take their eyes off you."

PHOENIX: "Mmm." she hummed as she pushed back a strand of hair behind her ear, exposing her jawline.

GHOST: "Stop... I know what you're doing."

PHOENIX: "What? My hair was in face." she shrugged.

GHOST: "Right, Mm hum. You are trying to distract me to ensure you win by showing off the features you know I love about you. I know your games, Tasha."

PHOENIX: "Fuck, we know each other too well."

GHOST: "Well... we are engaged."

PHOENIX: "That we are, Captain Mitchell." she said with a wink.

Marcus and Natasha look into each other's eyes deeply, memories of the good and the bad, their ability to come back after hardships... their connection was all they saw in each other's eyes. In that moment, they were alone in their own world, like they used to be. They were overcome with emotion as their hearts beat fast, passion filling their eyes. They smiled at one another and started chuckling as their cheeks grow red.

TP:M - | REDEMPTION | (Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now