27 - Audrey

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Blush repainted my cheeks as I stared at the intricate designs of construction paper, photos, and glitter on my locker. The phrase "Prom?" was written down the length of my locker in sparkling purple letters. It sat atop pink construction paper and surrounded with recent photos Max and I have taken over the past few weeks. My favorite was one of the two of us smiling, his chin resting on my shoulder and our cheeks pressed together. I hadn't been expecting to see my decorated locker when I'd come by before lunch earlier, but it was definitely a sweet surprise. Perfect timing too since Daddy was taking Cat and I dress shopping after school today.

Strong arms wrapped around my waist and lips pressed against my ear. "Hey, Mamas," Max whispered.

"Hi Max." I turned in his arms and reached for his hand. We walked down the hallway towards the front entrance of the school. We passed the threshold of the school and ventured out onto the front quad. The sun was shining against the blue sky, finally bringing some warmth after the brutal winter. I scanned the line of waiting cars near the sidewalk, quickly catching sight of my father's red Chevrolet Equinox.

Max tugged me towards the car, guiding me through the crowds of people.

I searched the sea of faces for my best friend.

The back of her curly hair, pulled into a neat ponytail, caught my eye a few feet in front of us. Her perfectly manicured hand was intertwined with Noah's. She still wouldn't spill the full details on what was going on between them, claiming he was still just tutoring her, but I wasn't stupid. The girl nearly melted into a puddle whenever he came to say hi to us during lunch. The only thing she mentioned was that he'd asked her to prom.

"He's just being nice," she'd said as she munched on a Hot Cheeto during lunch. "He feels bad that I don't have a date."

I tried to tell her that he liked her, and she just rolled her eyes at me. Sometimes I wished she could take the encouraging words she said to me and apply them to herself. If anyone deserved a kind, loving guy, it was definitely her. I just hoped she'd let down her walls enough to see that Noah could be a good fit for her.

The pair stopped in front of my father's car. Cat giggled as Noah leaned down and pecked a kiss at her cheek. He seemed like he was about to lean down and press one against her lips before he saw Max. Immediately, he let go of Cat's hand and backed away.

Cat raised an eyebrow at his sudden action. She glanced over her shoulder, noticing Max and I, and rolled her eyes. "Don't be afraid of him," I heard her tell Noah. "He'll only kick your ass if you make me cry."

Noah chuckled, shaking his head at her comment. He waved to us as we approached. "Hi, Audrey. Hey, Max," he said.

Max nodded to him in silent acknowledgement before turning his eyes to his sister. "Bring your ass straight in the house after Benny drops you off," he said.

She put her hands on her hips and tilted her head. "And if I don't?"

"I'll pour all your facial cream in the toilet."

A glare overcame her face. "You wouldn't."

Max held her gaze. "Try me."

Rolling her eyes, she said, "Fine." She turned to Noah and gave him a sweet smile. "I'll call you later."

"I'll be waiting," he replied, offering her a charming smile.

Max rolled his eyes as Noah walked away. "Are y'all gonna go on a date or what? All this gushy goo-goo ga-ga shit is annoying."

"You're annoying," Cat retorted.

Max held up his middle finger in response.

I giggled at them. "I'll text you," I promised Max. I stood on my toes to peck a kiss on his lips.

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