37 - Audrey

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The hospital room door quietly creaked as I slowly pushed it open. Inside, the room was dimly lit, only the light from the small lamp near his bedside illuminating the room. Shit, I swore mentally as the sound caused Max to stir in his bed.

His eyes cracked open, immediately traveling to my shadow lingering in the doorway. A smile appeared on his lips as he silently admired my bouncy ringlets and freshly made face. "Mi angel," he whispered. He raised his hand, reaching for me. "Ven, mamas."

Tugging my black trench coat closer against my body, I approached him. I slipped my hand in his and leaned down to kiss his forehead. "Hi Max," I murmured against his skin.

His other hand grasped the side of my neck, bringing my lips down against his.

My body melted under his soft, slow kisses. His lips moved intentionally against mine, absorbing each and every moment they shared with mine. His tongue traced the outline of my lips, wiping away traces of my lipstick, before requesting silent access for entrance that I happily granted.

He pulled me closer as our kisses deepened, damn near pulling me onto the bed with him.

I savored his sweet taste, sucking gently on his tongue and exploring his mouth with my own. After almost losing him, I knew I couldn't take moments like this for granted. If I was going to kiss him, I was going to do it right. Passionately. Eagerly. Sensually. Longingly. As if every kiss would be our last. This way, in the event that it ever was, I'd have the best image to remember it by.

"I've missed you," he whispered between our kisses.

I giggled. "I've been by to see you every day."

"Well, I was too high to remember." He trailed kisses around my cheek for a moment, originally making a bee-line for my neck. Abruptly, he pulled away to look at me with a crease between his brows. "Aren't you supposed to be at the prom?"

"I went for an hour or two," I said with a shrug. "But, I wanted to spend time with you."

His fingers caught one of my ringlets, tucking it firmly behind my ear. "I'm sorry I couldn't go with you. I know how excited you were to go."

"Don't apologize." I pecked a kiss at his lips. "I'm just happy that you're alive."

He raised an eyebrow. "Did you think I was going down that easily? God is going to have to do better than a bunch of punks with a gun if he wants to take me out."

I shook my head. "You're crazy, do you know that?"

"Yeah, but that's why you love me."

"One of many reasons," I said, pecking another kiss at his lips. "Since you're bed-bound, I thought I could bring some of the junior prom to you." I got off of his bed and reached down into the black duffel bag I'd brought with me. I ruffled through the contents, retrieving a portable speaker, a small disco light, a couple of take-out containers from my father's restaurant, and a six-pack of orange soda cans.

I plugged in the tiny disco light, releasing the bright colors to crawl around the dark walls. On the portable speaker, I connected my phone and threw on one of my favorite R&B playlists featuring the likes of SZA, Daniel Caesar, Bruno Mars, H.E.R, and plenty of other contemporary artists.

Max smiled at our tiny set-up. "You're adorable," he commented.

"Are you hungry?" I asked. "I brought some of your favorites from Daddy's restaurant - all soft foods, though, so Cristian won't murder me."

"Man, fuck Cristian. His ass has been feeding me pudding and Jello all damn day. Just tell me you've got some meat in there, and I'll be straight."

I giggled. "I've got some barbecue pulled pork."

"Works for me!"

I pulled over the food tray attached to his bed and made him a tall plate of pulled pork, mac and cheese, and mashed potatoes.

Max didn't waste any time gobbling up the food. He even devoured the second plate I made for him. He was really starving!

"Thanks, Audrey," he said after his belly was nice and full. "That really hit the spot."

"You're welcome," I replied with a smile.

His eyes fell down to the trench coat sheltering my body. "Do you still have your dress on?"

"Um, yeah," I murmured. "Do you want to see it?"

He nodded, taking a sip of his soda. "If you're willing to show it to me."

Blood filled my cheeks as I stood up from my seat. My fingers slowly undid the buttons of the coat. My stomach whirled with nervous butterflies. At the dance, I hadn't been too concerned with some of the looks I'd gotten as I waltzed through the doors with Cat and Noah. Standing next to the gorgeous pairing of my best friend and her beau, I received very few stares to begin with. Everyone was too consumed with the perfection that was the power couple next to me. But, standing here alone with the boy whose opinion mattered the most and his attention solely focused on me: that was nerve-wracking. All I could hope was that my outfit left him as surprised as Cat told me it would.

I pushed the coat off of my shoulders and allowed it to gradually fall from my arms.

Max's eyes tracked the movement of the jacket, watching it hit the floor before rising up to examine the full effect of my dress.

Scarlet-colored fabric covered in glittering sparkles clung to my body. A strapless sweetheart top hugged my breasts and exposed my shoulders. The skirt hugged my hips and thighs, flowing the slightest bit around my sparkling glitter stilettos. I'd added a bedazzled necklace to fill in the empty space around my chest and diamond studs that were hidden by my long di-colored ringlets that fell over my back and shoulders.

"Do you like it?" I asked quietly.

Max's eyes shamelessly raked over every single inch of my body, glazing over with gentle yet intense flames. He raised his gaze to meet my own as he spoke. "You're absolutely stunning, Audrey."

The butterflies in my tummy swirled around in joyful circles, summoning a smile. "Thanks, Max. Wait, what are you doing?" My brows came together as he pushed aside the food tray.

A grimace threatened to appear on his face as he pushed the blankets off of his legs.

"Max, you need to stay in bed."

He threw his legs over the bedside. "I'm not going to let you waltz around in that gorgeous dress all by yourself."

I held out my hands to him. He wasn't going to listen to my commands to stay in bed, so the least I could was make sure he didn't fall.

He grabbed my palms, squeezing tightly as he pressed his weight down onto his feet. He stumbled a bit, leaning against me as his body balanced the pain from his abdomen with the need to remain upright.

"I've got you," I assured him as he tried to straighten up.

He hid his scowl from the pain with a smile. "May I have this dance?" He asked.

I nodded. "You may." A giggle escaped my lips as he pressed me firmly against him, careful not to press too hard on his wounds.

My arms looped around his neck as his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I lay my head against his chest and he gently rocked me back and forth in his arms. My eyes closed as the familiar sound of his heartbeat filled my ears. God, I'd missed the sound more than words could say.

"I love you, Max," I whispered, my arms tightening around his neck.

"I love you too, Audrey." One of his hands traced him up my back to grasp the side of my neck. Gently, he tilted my head back and crashed his lips against mine in a passionate kiss. Our slow waltz resumed on our lips rather than our feet. Our lips danced slowly, sensually, passionately against one another.

Mentally, I took a picture of this oddly perfect moment. His arms wrapped around me. Me in a sparkly red dress. Our lips locked in a silent commitment. It was a story we'd be telling our kids and grandkids for years to come. A perfect portrait of the peace within our chaotic storms. 

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