29 - Audrey

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I checked the time on my phone again. Five thirty. Max mentioned his mentorship summit ended at three-thirty. He promised he'd head home afterwards, grab a shower, and take a quick nap if he needed one. But, the black Jeep Cherokee that Cristian brought him was nowhere to be seen on the block.

Last night, we agreed to head out to O'Reilly's Mega Center around five o' clock. The center has been a fan favorite for our birthdays over the past few years. Inside the huge building was a restaurant, an arcade, a laser-tag maze, a trampoline park, and an ax-throwing space for adults. We made plans to meet up with Jordan, Cat, and their significant others for a few laser-tag matches and spend some time in the arcade. Max insisted the two of us got there earlier than the rest of the group so we could have dinner together. While we weren't expecting our friends to arrive until at least seven, I didn't want to rush through dinner.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips as the headlights of his car finally pulled up behind his brother's Nissan Rogue. I yelled out to Papa that I was leaving before hurrying out the door.

I climbed into Max's car and popped him over the head.

"Damn," he said, putting a hand to his head. "If you wanted to fight, all you had to do was say that."

"You're late," I told him. "Where have you been?"

"My cousin texted me and told me to come pick up my birthday present."

I raised an eyebrow. "Do you want Cristian to kill you?"

"Technically, he told me not to smoke weed in the car. He didn't tell me I couldn't store it here temporarily."

I rolled my eyes. "And you've been on Paco's block all this time?"

"Yeah, but we were just talking. He's usually busy when I stop by, so we were just catching up on life."

I crossed my arms and pursed my lips in disbelief.

"I swear we didn't smoke. Look at my eyes." He widened his brown eyes for emphasis. In the darkness, I could barely see the whites of his eyes. But, I didn't smell any lingering scents of cannabis on him.

I looked away, huffing as I threw my back against the seat.

"Come on, mamas, don't be like that," he said. He shifted in his seat, throwing one of his arms over the headrest of my seat and the other to grab my chin. Gently, he guided my face back in his direction. "," he whispered. "I promise I'll never be late for a date again."

The butterflies in my stomach fluttered lightly against my ribs as he placed a soft kiss on my lips. He kissed me slowly for a moment, his mouth warm against mine. His tongue trailed against my fresh lip gloss, and he hummed at the sweet taste. A small fire lit in the pit of my stomach, turning the butterflies into flickering fireflies. Their light bounced around my tummy, sending waves of heat across my body. Relaxing against his kisses, I granted access to his silent request and deepened our kisses for a few moments.

Pulling away, I did my best to fight a smile. "Fine, I forgive you - this time," I said.

He grinned, pecking one last kiss at my lips. He put the car in drive and pulled away from the curb.

The car ride was filled with a rap playlist that Max had blaring through his speakers. I sat contently in his passenger seat, holding his hand and tracing the veins in his arm.

The Mega Center was crowded when we arrived. Tons of cars were parked across the large lot, and small mobs of people shuffled in and out of the three-story building. Inside, loud music boomed from the speakers spread around the ceiling. Vibrant lights directed people to their areas of choice. The trampoline park was the main attraction on the first floor. Large windows framed the wall, showcasing the park and all the children and teenagers jumping within it. Up the first flight of steps lay the arcade, restaurant, and ax-throwing attractions. The laser-tag maze resided on the top floor, taking up the entire floor so multiple matches could occur at once.

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