20 - Max

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Audrey's laughter echoed through the air as we walked down the street. We'd just bid Jordan and Emily goodbye, and Jordan had yelled out some dumb shit about growing a pair to kiss her. I was going to deck him the next time I saw him for telling all my business like that. I was more than confident to ask Audrey out and kiss her - I just wanted to do it right. After the parade of assholes she'd dated, she deserved nothing less than perfection when I finally asked her to be mine. I'd spent the past few days working on the perfect date, researching potential restaurants and events. While I'd narrowed down my options on that end, I still needed to work on the jewelry. I'd been searching online, but I needed to see the pieces in person. If I was going to give Audrey a gift to symbolize our relationship, then it needed to be something special.

I looked down at Audrey as her arms wrapped around my abdomen.

She smiled up at me, her green eyes shining with adoration and joy. The yellow glow of the streetlights reflected off of her face, emphasizing her round cheeks and sweet smile. Her blonde highlights glowed beneath the lights, creating a yellow halo around her head. Audrey looked like an angel - my angel.

My arm around her shoulder tightened, bringing her closer to me.

I dipped my head with every intention of catching her lips with mine and kissing her for all she was worth. My actions were rudely interrupted when I felt a fist slam against the back of my head.

Instinctively, I pushed Audrey away from me. I never wanted her anywhere near me when I fought, and tonight wasn't an exception. Turning, I swung my arm at my attacker. I wasn't surprised when my fist connected with Tommy's face. He, Carter, and the rest of their punk ass friends were talking shit about jumping me all week. If they wanted to do this now, I could definitely start serving up knuckle sandwiches.

I ducked when I saw Carter swing at me from my peripheral vision. I punched him next before kicking Tommy in his stomach. Sometimes I swear they forgot I've literally been training to fight since I was five. I could beat both of their asses with my hands tied behind my back if I really wanted to.

A third person tried to restrain my arms, but I elbowed him in the ribs. I'd learned my lesson from Zavion's punk ass crew - no one was going to hold me down.

They all tried to jump on me at once, and I swung my arms and legs, hitting as quickly as I could to keep them at bay. My abdomen caught a few punches, but nothing too bad. They punched like a bunch of girls.

I punched Carter directly in his nose before spinning around and kneeing the third dude in his ribcage. When I turned again to hit Tommy, he caught me with a right hook to the face. The impact surprised me, but it didn't stop me. I returned with another punch to his face.

We exchanged punches for a few moments before he grabbed my hoodie and swung me into the wall of a nearby building. With him close, I kneed him in his abdomen.

His hands released me, but the other boys' fists bombarded my face, abdomen, and arms. He quickly joined their concerted attack.

With my back against the wall, I could move as much as I wanted to. I swung and kicked and writhed around when I could, but I had to admit I was fighting a losing battle. They may have won this one, but it's only because they knew they couldn't beat me on their own.

A gunshot rang through the air, stopping time for a moment. All of our pauses ceased, and we all shared a brief look of confusion. I glanced around, looking for a bleeding wound or a dropped body.

The trio didn't wait around for the aftermath. They took off down the alleyway, leaving me bruised and bloody.

"Max!" Audrey yelled. Her voice snapped me back into reality.

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