2 - Max

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 "Where is it!" my brother yelled as he ripped the covers clean off my body.

The chill from the winter air sent a shiver up my spine. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I mumbled almost inaudibly. My eyelids were still heavy from last night's high. I struggled to open them and look at my brother's livid eyes.

"Where the hell is it, Maximiliano?"

I groaned. "Where's what? What time is it?" I grabbed my phone off my nightstand and glanced at the time. This motherfucker was really in here yelling at 6 o' clock in the morning over some bullshit.

"The weed, you little shit! Where is it?"

"I don't have any weed, Cristian," I lied.

Cristian narrowed his eyes. "I'll give you one last chance to tell me where it is before I punch you in your throat. Where did you hide the weed?" I glared at my older brother. "For the last time, I don't have any fucking weed!"

"Then what the hell is that smell and why is it coming from your window?" He leaned down to sniff my hair.

"Get the fuck away from me!" I exclaimed, swatting him away.

He grimaced. "The stench is all over you, Maximiliano. Just tell me the truth and give me whatever you have left of it."

"Why? What are you gonna do? Ground me?"

"Maximiliano," Cristian said sternly.

"Stop fucking calling me that," I snapped. "And get the fuck out of my room. I have to start getting ready for school."

"You really think you're going to school smelling like that?"

"I have time to take a shower." I rubbed my eyes as I threw my legs over the side of the bed.

"Give me the weed, Max."

"I, honestly, don't have anymore. I smoked the rest last night. Now seriously, get out. I need to grab the bathroom before Cat locks herself in there."

In an instant, I was pinned down on my bed. My brother's forearm pressed against the neck, and his knees held down my arms. I glared up at Cristian, my blood boiling at a dangerous temperature. He's lucky I couldn't move my arms. I should've punched him the minute he woke me up.

"How many more times are we going to go through this, Max? I'm really getting tired of this little game with you. Grow the fuck up and get your shit together."

"Get off me," I growled.

Cristian sighed, but complied with my request. "Hurry up and get ready. Mama is making breakfast for you and Cat to take with you." With that, he walked out of the room.

I glared after him. If I didn't have to get ready for school, I would've punched him in the face. Leave it up to him to ruin my lingering high and taint my mood.

I quickly gathered my uniform and bolted for the bathroom. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth before heading back to my room. I blasted Kendrick Lamar's music as I got dressed, silently daring Cristian to tell me to turn it down. After running a brush through my dark curls, I grabbed his jacket and backpack. Then I descended the stairs to the kitchen.

My mother was hovering over the stove frying some eggs and bacon and pans. Her long curls were pulled up into a ponytail, and her tired eyes were fixed on her tasks. She was still dressed in her nursing scrubs from her night shift. She offered me a tight smile. "Buenos Dias, Max," she greeted. "I heard you and Cristian arguing upstairs. Anything you wanna tell me?"

"No." I kissed her cheek. "Cristian was just being annoying, as usual."

"Hm, as much as the two of you have been arguing, I fail to believe that."

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