36 - Max

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"Fuck," I muttered, opening my eyes the slightest bit. The bright fluorescent lights blinded my eyes. My chest and stomach stung with tiny bees, pinching their stingers all over my abdomen. A groan left my lips from the agonizing sensation. I fidgeted in my bed, quickly realizing my pants were gone. I looked down at the hideous white gown covering my body. "Where the hell are my pants?" I whispered in my native tongue. I glanced around the room, my blurry vision catching the rainbow of flowers and my brother's silhouette next to my bed.

He was staring at me with his cheek in his palm and his eyebrow raised.

"What are you staring at, ugly?" I asked.

"A pain in my ass," he replied. "Are you lucid? You're not calling me a demon."

"Being called a demon is a nice insult. You're lucky I didn't come out with some shit that would've hurt your feelings."

He rolled his eyes. He grabbed a blue pitcher from off the small nightstand beside me and filled the corresponding colored cup with water. "Shut up and drink this."

I grabbed the cup, careful not to rip out the IV needles stuck into the back of my hand. The cold water soothed my dry throat as I gulped it down. I asked Cristian for more and downed that one too. When I woke up, I hadn't realized how dry my mouth was. It felt like I had a mouthful of cotton, and it tasted disgusting. Even with the water, my tongue still tasted awful.

Cristian offered a cup of chocolate pudding before I could ask for food. "The doctor said you can only have soft foods for a few days," he explained before I could complain.

I was too hungry to argue. I graciously took the pudding cup and dug in.

Cristian was quiet as I ate. He sat in the chair with his arms crossed and a soft frown painted on his lips.

I cherished the silence for a few minutes, knowing I was in for a speech and half when he was ready to talk.

It took five cups of pudding before I felt somewhat full. I really wanted a burger or something, but from the look on Cristian's face, I knew I shouldn't press my luck.

"Where's my phone?" I asked, glancing around the nightstand.

"What do you need it for?"

"To text Jordan and Audrey."

"They've been in to see you. You've talked to them."

My brows stitched together. "I did? I don't remember."

"Because you were high off your ass on pain meds. The doctor said you weren't completely lucid and it was normal for you to not remember the conversations you've had over the past few days."

"Days?" I asked incredulously. "How long have I been in and out?"

"Since Sunday. It's Friday now."

"Wait, it's Friday?" I ran a hand through my hair. "Fuck, the junior prom is tonight. Audrey is going to wring my neck."

"As she should," he commented.

"Alright," I said, already irritated by his calm demeanor. "Go ahead: tell me you told me so about dad and my choices. Tell me you knew I'd end up here one way or another. Tell me how disappointed you are, so we can get this over with."

Cristian scoffed. "You really don't get it, do you?"

"Get what?"

"That you almost fucking died," he snapped, his voice raising a bit.

I pressed my lips together, despising his blunt reminder.

He took a deep breath, regaining his composure that threatened to break. "How much do you remember about that night?"

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