5 - Audrey

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"You look like shit," I told Max, glancing up from the POS tablet at the takeout counter. At eight o' clock on the dot, he waltzed into the restaurant - right on time for his shift. His eyes were hanging low from his exhaustion – and his lingering high. Red rimmed his dark irises. A blatant frown was plastered on his lips. Dark violet passion marks scattered his neck. His dark curls were tossed each and every way on his head. He walked slowly, no doubt his body aching from the bruises he earned from the fight last night.

"Thanks," he replied. With a sigh, he leaned his elbows down on the takeout counter and rubbed his eyelids. The scent of cannabis was still lingering on his body, mixing with the fresh smell of his body wash.

"Are you going to be able to work?" I asked.

"I'm fine. I just need some coffee."

"Are you sure you don't want to just call off and make my day a whole lot better?"

He picked his head up, a sinister smirk creeping onto his lips. "I'm positive. What kind of day would it be if I didn't jump on every single nerve in your body?"

I rolled my eyes. "Just go in the back and get your life together."

Max walked around the counter and purposely bumped shoulders with me as he passed.

My father must've caught him while he was putting his coat away and told him to take an easy day in the back. His stations for the day included working the fryer and helping with the dishes. Not that the distance stopped him from irritating me at every waking opportunity.

Whenever I needed to run something into the back room, he'd either flick dirty water at me or throw frozen fries at my head.

"Do you wanna fight?" I asked him after being hit with yet another frozen food item.

He stepped closer, towering over me. Grinning, he pushed his chest against mine. "Always, short stack. Just let me know when and where."

Our "fight" occurred during our break. We went into the alley behind the restaurant, and wrestled around for a few minutes. Max took it a bit too far when he wrapped his leg around mine, throwing me off balance and earning me a tumble to the ground.

He howled in laughter for a brief moment before he realized the murderous look on my face. He took off down the street before I even stood up.

I chased him for a block or two before I managed to get a sliver of revenge.

While he was jetting down the street, Max's sneakers slid over a small patch of ice, and he nearly fell on his face.

I didn't dare contain my laughter. He definitely deserved that one!

Max ended up chasing me all the way back to the restaurant, yelling how he was going to fuck me up. Quite a few pedestrians offered us puzzled glances as we ran past. Their perplexed expressions only made me laugh more.

Returning to our shift didn't stop Max's antics. Annoying as they were, I was grateful it helped the time go by. By three o' clock, I was absolutely exhausted. I couldn't wait to go home, brew some tea, and curl up with one of my books.

Max escorted me to the door at the end of our shift, poking my ribs and the back of my neck.

I was about to punch him in his chest when I noticed my best friend waiting outside for us. Her manicured fingers were moving rapidly against her screen. Her mascara coated lashes glanced up at us as we got closer to her.

"Hey, do you wanna go downtown with me?" She asked, a warm smile gracing her glossed lips. "I need to buy some new work shoes. Mine are starting to rip."

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