A/N 1 (important)

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If you want to skip this, just read the underlined parts. They're important.

It would be cool if you read all of it but no pressure 🌝🌝.

*This author's note is way too long for something that probably won't blow up 🤪🤠.*

Hey y'all, firstly I wanted to say that I am not a native speaker so if there are any mistakes (spelling, word order, prepositions) please say it in the comments and I will fix it.

Second of all, I don't know where this fanfic is going right now but I will try to finish it someday.

I'm having trouble figuring out Enid's voice, so again if you think something is weird or if you think that she wouldn't say some kind of things, let me know.

Same thing for Wednesday but I am a bit more familiar whit her so I think I did well for her part.

Good to know: this fanfic isn't rated as mature and there won't be any mature content (I see y'all thirsty people 🫵).

Another thing about Enid: I don't know anything about K-pop etc. so I decided to make her a swiftie, because it just makes sense and I am one myself.
Ow and I will make ts references. The title was supposed to be 'she was sunshine, I was midnight rain' but it was already taken ✌️🥲🔫.
However, if y'all have some K-pop recommendations feel free to leave a comment (I really feel like a cheap ass YouTuber for saying that😭). I'm trying to listen to new music genres.

This is how I picture Ophelia hall:
It's on 2 floors. There's the common room and on the same floor there are 2 rooms: one is Yoko's (she doesn't have a roommate) and the other one is unoccupied.
Upstairs there are 3 other rooms: Wednesday and Enid's, the 2 girls that participated in the poe cup occupy the second room (I called them Cascina and Alice) and new girls are in the third one (I still need to find names for them).

The story takes place right after the end of season 1. I'm assuming it's a bit before summer break so when they'll be back at school it will be September.

Some things may change when season 2 comes out so it's more in line with the show.

The beginning is absolute shit, I'm really bad at starting a story but I swear: it gets better.

The first few chapters are very short. Other chapters will be longer (on average 2-3x longer). There also won't be that much texting (and blank lines).

If I write other author's notes I will make a separate part because I hate when people put it at the end of a chapter, it like takes me out of the story. I will also always specify what it's about and if you can skip it.
AN (optional) / AN (important), AN (feedback), AN (requests)...

Anyway, thank YOU🫵 (yes, I made it aggressive and personal for no reason♥️) if you read all of this.

R., December 2022

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