59. The Rest Of The Drive

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The rest of the drive passed surprisingly quickly. That might've been because you slept half of it.

Although you wanted to stay up with Will, he assured you that the best thing you could do was sleep, but after all he'd just told you, you didn't really feel like sleeping.

You stayed up a while longer, staring out the window. Your mind was clouded by Will's story and polluted with all the terrors he foretold. You were living in a horror story, and everyone else had just accepted it? It was mental.

Still, at about 2am you finally managed to drift off. Your sleep wasn't very good, and you had many nightmares, but by the time the sun was up, things were seeming a lot brighter, not just outside but in your mind as well.

Mike was awake just as early, he had let go of El and was trying to get his own space. It seemed even a couple as close as them needed breaks.

You smiled, pulling yourself up and outstretching your arms as the car continued rattling across the roads.

Jonathan was driving now. He didn't look as tired anymore. He gave you a slightly more confident smile than the one from last night and floored the accelerator, only stopping an hour later for some snacks.

The six of you had parked outside a Starbucks. It looked very unfitting to see a dusty surfer boys pizza van in the middle of a car park mostly full of respectable cars.

Mike payed for everyone's breakfast as a present and you tucked into a croissant with Will. Your eyes were still heavy and you weren't a morning person, but you still managed to enjoy the break and once you had finished, you were more than ready to hit the roads again.

Hawkins here you come.

You stopped a couple more times on your journey, making a point to stop at a different fast food for a different meal. Your favourite was still McDonalds and no matter how many times Argyle pleaded you to convert to Surfer Boys, you just wouldn't. 

Another night passed and it wasn't so frightening, even though you knew that the next morning you had to inevitably face the horrors...

The dusty roads had faded into greenery and forests. You had just passed a stream and then a sign that only fuelled your fears more.

You were now approaching Hawkins.

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