52. Pizza with the Superhero

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"Y/n." Jonathan spoke calmly, making your blood turn cold.

"Yeah." You gulped, leaving the mop on the wall and walking towards him and Will.

You didn't look at Will. You couldn't. Anywhere but him.

Now that you were closer, you could tell that Jonathan knew what you'd just been talking about. Jonathan was always right about this sort of thing.

The problem was, it wasn't Will's fault, that was the worst part. There was no one to blame. Only yourself for being so stupid and not seeing the truth sooner.

And you hoped more than anything that Will and Johnathan weren't going to ask about what you and Mike had just been talking about. Anything but that.

So when Jonathan opened his mouth to continue talking, you couldn't help but pray for it to be nothing to do with William Byers...

"El wants you... and can you take the pizzas through too?"


That wasn't anything bad. That was good actually. That meant you wouldn't have to be anywhere near Will, or Mike, or anyone else. You would just have you, pizza and Jane.

"Sounds good."

A smile grew on your face.

You immediately strode away from the others and into the kitchen. You quickly placed the pizzas on trays then brought them through into the seating area.

You pushed open the doors and was greeted by a completely silent room. The only person sat in there was El which was no surprise since the restaurant closed almost an hour ago.

"You alright?" You asked as you slid the pizzas onto the table Jane was sat on. It was a booth and had comfy seats so you had no problem sitting down next to her.

She nodded to your question and prodded the pizza reluctantly.

"Nervous?" You asked.

She shook her head.

"Really?" You smiled, jokingly, "If I was in your position I'd be pissing my pants right now."

El smiled a little.

"Are you gonna eat some?" You asked, looking down at the plate, "You'll need it."

She slowly pulled a piece away from the pizza and watched the cheese stretch then break. She didn't look like she actually wanted to eat it.

Whether she'd admit it or not, she was nervous.

And you were a little nervous for her, but you weren't going to admit that either.

You went straight out and took a slice of pizza, knowing your priorities.

"Well, I know that you can do this. You've technically done it before so you have it in the bag." You spoke through mouthfuls, "So if it helps, I believe in you. We all do."

"Pressure." Jane spoke, looking up on you. "If I mess up could be bad."

"You won't." You answer, swallowing the remains of your pizza.

"How do you know? You haven't even seen my powers."

"Cuz I know you.. the real you away from all of this magic and alternate dimensions... and I know that you'd give it your all for your friends. And if Max is as important as you say, then you'll be able to do it. And if your powers are as good as they all sat, then you'll definitely be able to do it."

El didn't answer. She just picked up her pizza and started chewing. She looked back up at you once she'd finished.

"Thanks Y/n."

You smiled at her with pride. You picked up the last slice of pizza and then got up from your seat, asking the question that needed to be asked...

"Ready to fight that monster?"

She nodded and the two of you smiled all the more.

A/n- I've written these in the car journey I went on so I'll probably write some more on the way back which is tomorrow

If I finish this I'll move on to finishing another one of my stories so you lot tell me which you want finished 🙏

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