3. The Plan

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Jane looked grumpy when she came out of the classroom. One wrong word and she probably would've started crying.

"It wasn't that bad!"

Will tried to get her to calm down, but it wasn't working. He pleaded with her but there was no use.

"Friends don't lie, Will." Jane spat back, storming ahead of the two of you.

"J-" Will began to speak, but she was too far off to hear now. He looked worried for her

"She'll be fine." You said, "She's been through worse, and on the bright side, there's only three more hours until the spring break."

"Then Mike's coming round." Will's face lit up.

You nodded awkwardly, you'd heard enough about Mike from both of them. Honestly, it was as if they worshipped him.

"You'll come round as well, right? I'd love for you guys to meet!" Will looked so enthusiastic about it, you couldn't say no.

"Of course." You grinned.

In fairness, you did want to meet Mike. Partly just to see if he lived up to his reputation. He seemed like a nice guy though, from what Will said he was 'kind, sweet and funny' but what Jane said was more 'handsome, kind and amazing.' The truth was no guy could be that good. But, I guess you'd see.

"You can sleep over too if you'd like?" Will grinned.

"Are you sure there'll be space for me? Especially with Nancy coming round too?" You asked.

"Oh, Nancy's not coming anymore." Will looked down, "Jonathan's quite upset about it really."

"Shame." You added, "We'll have fun though."

"Yeah, El's got a w- I mean, uh I mean Jane has a whole plan for the break. It's quite sweet actually. We're going roller skating and everything." He continued.

"Sounds cool." You smiled back.

"Hey, maybe you could even join the party!" His eyes widened.

"What party?" You asked, confused. Was it someone's birthday?

"Oh, that's what we used to call our friend group back in Hawkins." Will explained as you continued to stride past the lockers in the corridors, "It was mostly to do with D&D though."

"That's cool." You mused, "I've always wanted to play D&D but it seems to long and complicated."

"It's not if you get the hang of it." Will continued, "I'll teach you at the weekend."

The poor boy couldn't hold back his smile. He pushed open the door into the yard outside just as he spoke.

"It's going to be the best spring break ever."

But, it seemed he said the words a little too soon. A crowd was forming in the yard. People were giggling and shouting. And of course, Jane was in the centre of it.

"Oh shit."

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