20. The Police Station

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Soon enough, the van arrived outside of the police station. Argyle slammed on the brakes and the car jolted a little before gradually coming to a halt.

Unsteadily, you got up and climbed out of the car, hopping onto the pavement outside the station. Will, Mike, Jonathan and Argyle followed after you.

"So..." You spoke up first, "Do we just go inside?"

"I guess." Mike shrugged.

"What if El's not in here?" Will asked.

"She will be, I don't know where else they'd take her." Jonathan said, leading the lot of you into the building.

You'd never been to the police station before, I mean, you'd occasionally walked by but you'd never been inside. You were surprised by how much it reminded you of a hospital with all the bleak walls and the people rushing by through it determined to get around, save lives and protect people.

You decided to be bold about this and walk straight up to the desk, then ask the question...

"Is Jane Hopper here?" You spoke ever so politely, leaving the woman no choice but to search it up immediately.

"Jane Hopper..." She mumbled as she browsed her computer, "Okay, yes, I see her now, she's still being processed."

"What does that even mean, man?" You could hear Argyle whispering to Jonathan and it made you smile a little.

"It means they're putting her in the system." The woman overheard and answered the question, "Then, afterwards, they'll be putting her in juvenile hall."

The woman's voice was starting to get on your nerves now.

"What?" Will remarked.

"Jail? You're going to put her in jail?" Mike could barely believe what was happening.

"Seriously?" You we're just as shocked.

"It's a detention hall for juveniles." The woman corrected.

"That's jail." Mike confirmed, looking really pissed off.

Jonathan knew this and before Mike could yell at the woman, he started speaking.

"Look, is there any chance we could just see her?"

"Are you her parent or guardian?" The woman droned on, probably tired of her job.

"No." Jonathan replied but Will spoke over him.

"We're her brothers and we're family." He said, staring at the woman hopefully.

She didn't believe him, "What, all four of you?"

"Yeah." Will said, glancing between you all nervously, hoping no one would correct him with the truth.

"Well, it's still not enough. You have to be a parent or legal guardian." The woman declared.

"You have to be kidding! That is ridiculous!" Mike yelled.

"That's the law."  The woman said, "And you are going to change it by complaining to me. If you want to see Jane; find your mother."

"Thank you." Jonathan said, forcefully. Now everyone was just as irritated as each other.

You all strode out of the building grumpily.

"That is bullshit. That is such bullshit." Jonathan sighed, "She wasn't even trying to help!"

"Then what do we do?" Will asked anxiously.

"I don't know, I guess we have to wait for mum to land in Alaska." Jonathan said.

"And then she's just gonna be sitting in jail?" Will argued.

Suddenly, you noticed Mike start sprinting across the road.

"Mike what are you doing?" You shouted as he rushed towards a police car that was going.

"Stop! Stop the car!" Mike yelled but nothing happened. The car just drove on, gradually fading into the distance.

"What is it Mike?" You asked when you caught up with him. He was muttering "Oh no, oh no." under his breath.

"Mike?" You repeated. He snapped out of it.

"It was El. She was in the car." Mike said, "I know it. And now, she's gone."

A/n- Heres an early released partly because I wanted to ask you something.

Basically, I swore to never write romance on this app because of the embarrassment if anyone found it but I honestly feel like writing some Stranger Things one shots so lmk if any of you would be interested. I would take suggestions and preferences for each chapter.


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