51. Preparing

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As you helped Argyle create the sensory deprivation tank out of a pizza freezer, you couldn't help but steal glances at Will.

He was talking to Johnathan in the corner. It seemed pretty serious. And they kept looking back to you.

Your stomach somersaulted every time you felt his gaze even though you knew it shouldn't, it couldn't. Not anymore.

You gulped, a little embarrassed that Will was probably telling Johnathan all that had happened. But that didn't matter now. You needed to focus on helping Will.

You started to fill the freezer with water and Mike came over to help with the salt. The two of you chatted for a little, making small talk.

Mike smirked every so often, you could tell he knew about what had happened today. He just didn't know that he had anything to do with it.

You were jealous of Mike. There was no denying it.

"Either of you want a pizza?" Argyle shouted from the back of the kitchen, "Nevada dough is epic my dudes!"

Mike let out a little laugh and you shared a smile with him. Maybe this was why El and Will both loved him so much, he was just so likeable. You didn't know how to explain it.

"Yeah, I'll have whatever." You shouted back, still smiling.

"Same," Mike answered as well, "Can you make something for El too?"

That was another reason why Jane and Will both liked him. He was kind. He thought of others.

You sighed internally, feeling a little hopeless.

He was better than you.
Way better.

"Y/n, you okay?"

Mikes voice made you look up.

You nodded, "Just tired."

"Me too."

You slowly got to your feet again as Mike continued talking.

"If you want, I can do all this whilst you and El wait in the other room." He looked at you endearingly, almost a little worried.

"I'm fine. I can still help." You said, turning off the tap.

"Somethings happened though." Mike continued, slowly getting closer to you.


"Yes. You and Will. What happened?"




"Well if you're sure." Mike replied.

The two of you worked in silence for a little, the only sound being Argyle humming in other room, cooking the pizzas in the oven.

You searched around for the right tools, messed with the lights and mopped up the floor until everything was almost ready.

Mike was on the other side of the room as you placed the mop on the wall, but it was obvious he was talking to you when he spoke.

"At first, I thought you were...you know..."

Mike continued the conversation that you'd tried to stop fifteen minutes ago. Your blood went cold yet your ears still pricked up.

Will and Johnathan had gone off somewhere so they had no chance of hearing what you were talking about. And Mike was clearly taking advantage of this situation.

"But now I'm worried that something happened... and Wills my best friend. I don't want him to be hurt or anything. The two of you have seemed down since the gas station. And I want to know why-"

"Mike I don't want to talk about it." You cut him off mid conversation, speaking firmly."

He had no idea what he was doing. How much he was hurting Will, and then how much Will was hurting you. It was a cycle. And it was painful.

"Okay." Mike shied away slightly, looking away instantly.

You might've been a little brutal on him but you didn't care at this point.

"Look, Mike, it's not your fault but there's just something wrong that no one can really fix. So for now, I just want to focus on this, because if I focus on him... I'll break." You admitted, feeling guilty.

"Who's him?"

Jonathan and Will had just walked in the room. You didn't know how much of that conversation they heard but it couldn't be good. Shit.

I've got this and at least one other chapter and I'll release them before the 25th
Merry Christmas :)

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